Week 3 & 4 -Hardships..

Ysf 021
Limalia Yousouf UX2 Blog
2 min readMar 29, 2021

Week 3 was rough. Prototyping was rough. Life was rough.

I struggled a lot with prototyping my app as it was the first time I tried doing this. However I did eventually realise it was not this complicated. Things then came down together. I tested colours until I loved how it looked. I tried making it as simple as possible. Do to so I employed the fundamentals of ‘signal — to-noise-ratio’ which I learnt in my previous classes to avoid bombarding the user with too much information.

Have a look at the messy process;


In the long run, I learnt a lot about prototyping and that will be so helpful for my career in graphic design.

Week 4 -Last Steps

This part was pretty stressfull. Normally what would have been an easy enough job, was made complicated by the corona virus. The testees kept getting disconnected, I could not make proper calls with them and to top it off my internet connection was slower than a turtle. Eventually I managed to do the testing but I wished I could have done it better in real-time situations.

But I am happy as the testees enjoyed my app and had little to complain about. Overall this sums up my design sprint process. Hope you enjoyed reading my blog, I tried making it as less boring as I could. Ba-bye.

