Etherlime Debugger is here to unravel transactions

Desimira Mitkova
Published in
3 min readFeb 13, 2019

Perhaps one of the most potent weapons against the mystery of what goes wrong during a transaction is the ability to debug it. That’s why we are so proud we succeeded to implement such power to Etherlime.

Etherlime Debugger is a new feature helping developers to track step by step their code execution. It supports a variety of options that could make a deep look into the smart contract workflow and to provide more efficiency.

In order to run the Debugger all that needs to be done is to pass the hash of the transaction and the compiled code of the contract. Then a helper with optional commands will be shown in the console, navigating you through all available movements.

etherlime debug <txhash>

In addition to common “step over”, “step into”, “step next” and “breakpoint”, Etherlime debugger possess the ability to print in the console variables and their values, also to add, remove and watch expressions. Full documentation of the debugger command can be found here.

What are the other news around Etherlime

Along with the Debugger, accessible to users is one more new cli command for code scaffolding. Of course, code optimization is a constantly continuing process. We also never miss the chance to present Etherlime on international events.

Etherlime shape

Our first ready to use decentralised application (dApp) is finalised and can be accessed by running the command etherlime shape angular. We provide it in order to make it easier for those who want to start their blockchain projects with Angular front-end by giving them a structured project. It represents a smart contract that manages a ToDo List and shows examples of how to read and record data on the Blockchain through the browser. Does it spark your curiosity? Move on here.

Signer instance

As the Signer is the base of ethers. Wallet, we find it more appropriate to declare each created instance of it as signer instead of wallet like it was till now. We warn that it may provoke some unexpected error cases with undefined variable. If it happens to you, go to each peace in your code where you use .wallet or .setWallet and replace it with .signer / .setSigner.

Etherlime at FOSDEM

Ognyan Chikov of LimeChain presenting at FOSDEM

We had the chance to present our tool to the wide audience of FOSDEM - a free and non-commercial event organised by the community for the community. The conference was held at the beginning of February in Brussels with the goal to provide the open source software developers a place to meet. And the feedback Etherlime receive was very positive. Follow up the presentation here.

Video presentation

The foundation of the video series is laid by the first video presenting what is Etherlime. It’s just the initial step of a whole pathway we are going to build up trying to help developers achieve their blockchain goals. Stay tuned with the whole sequence to learn more about facets of blockchain development.

What’s next?

All the things that can be applied to make Etherlime greater tool only gives us the ambition to accomplish more tasks. Yeah, we are greedy! :)

React dApp

After the first dApp with Angular, naturally, the next one that will enrich etherlime shape command will be integrated React project. It will contain again all modules and settings needed to be used.

Etherlime Video Series

We already started the video series about What Etherlime. In the next video, we’re going to outline all the topics we’re going to cover in in the series. Make sure to subscribe to our channel here.

If you have some fresh ideas about how our tool can be upgraded, please share them with us!

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About the author: Desimira is Blockchain Developer and an inspiration for many. She followed her guts and became a Blockchain developer after being a journalist for 13 years. She enjoys developing smart contracts with Solidity and is eager to find out how the Blockchain technology will transform the world.

