Zeppelin Solidity Release Candidate + New Functional Verification Tool

Blockchain Dev Weekly Digest 29.04.19

George Spasov
2 min readApr 29, 2019


Good morning, on the Easter Monday for all orthodox countries. This improvised edition of the blockchain developer weekly brings you news from, Truffle, OpenZeppelin Solidity, VerX and eth-owl.

Tools and Libraries updates

Truffle 5.0.14

Resource: https://github.com/trufflesuite/truffle/releases/tag/v5.0.14

Truffle has released a new version - 5.0.14. This version contains improved support for Quorum private transactions, improved gas estimation and bug fixes. There’s also a revert to a breaking change in the HD Wallet provider.

Open Zeppelin 2.3.0 Release Candidate

Resource: https://forum.zeppelin.solutions/t/openzeppelin-2-3-0-release-candidate/572

Open Zeppelin has introduced a new release candidate version. This version includes ERC777 — the popular improvement to ERC20 proposed by Jordi Baylina. Moreover, all contracts now have revert reasons and the documentation is updated and prettified.

VerX — Full Functional Verification For Ethereum

Resource: https://medium.com/chainsecurity/verx-full-functional-verification-for-ethereum-contracts-now-at-your-fingertips-f8d20085e4ec

The ChainSecurity team has outdone themselves again and has released a new tool for functional verification of solidity smart contract. The tool allows you to define your custom requirements and prove that your application is functioning the way it is supposed to.

About the author: George Spasov, Co-founder and Blockchain Architect @LimeChain, has developed a multitude of blockchain projects — public and private — and is a prominent member of several blockchains communities. He is most recognized for his work on Etherlime — the ECF and ETHPrize ethers.js-based development and deployment framework, LimePay — the UX solution for executing blockchain transactions with a credit card and being one of the first members of the MetaCartel — the meta-transactions community.

