Technologies for Automation Systems and for Industry 4.0 are evolving and changing at the speed of light

SYSWARE supporting the Lime Industry 4.0 journey

QualiCal case of study

Davide Beretta


Industrial companies, old and new, are quickly learning that transforming into a digital enterprise is an essential step to survive and thrive.

Even the most successful companies recognize that it’s not enough to simply make everything they do more efficient. They need to connect every aspect of their business and change the way their companies think and work. They need to put the customer experience first. And they need to become data driven.

Davide Beretta — SYSWARE CEO and Carlo Cella — QualiCal CEO presenting MOSAICO Platform

QualiCal as Industrial Company with a strong attitude to the Digital World, requires its Partners to be on the edge of this revolution, contributing the Digitization of its plants in every phase, from the engineering to the commissioning and further with the post-commissioning support.

Carlo Cella QualiCal CEO, says: “Within the global economy, C-levels (corporate executives) face tough challenges: the unrelenting pressure to do more with less and optimize performance whilst controlling costs, as well as the need to innovate. They must get more from their fixed assets, improve capital ROI and optimize the productivity and value of their increasingly mobile and demanding workforce. The Internet of Things helps address these issues, but as a complex and fast-moving market, partnerships must be formed to ensure a holistic, end-to-end approach. This alliance, combining QualiCal Digital’s Industrial IoT technologies with SYSWARE’s IoT experience confirms the vital role of collaboration and strategic relationships. Bringing data analytics and cloud capabilities to co-create services to help companies use their data to realize significant gains in workflows and productivity will go a long way to address key business challenges.”

QualiCal and SYSWARE are developing and delivering industry-specific services based on QualiCal’s MOSAICO® cloud-based operating system. The services can help companies reduce operating expenses and increase revenue through improved machine uptime and streamlined industrial workflows.

SYSWARE, which has been working with QualiCal for more than 15 years, joins QualiCal Digital ecosystem of global alliance partners, which gives members access to digital tools and domain expertise from across QualiCal.

SYSWARE is providing its extensive experience IoT, data analytics and IT cybersecurity capabilities; and access to global resources across multiple industries.

“With data and digital technology impacting every industry, businesses are under tremendous pressure to adapt in almost real time.” — Says Davide Beretta, SYSWARE CEO, — “Our expanded relationship with QualiCal and approach to digital operations will enable us to bring innovative IIoT services to market to help clients dramatically improve productivity, reduce cost and increase revenues.

