Butter Coffee is Best

Kim Smyth
Limericks: Making You Smile
Apr 17, 2021

A caffeinated limerick

Nathan Dumlao for Unsplash

There once was a girl who liked butter

In her coffee, which makes it much better

Believe this or that

But it sure melts the fat

Kerrygold is the best butter out there!

Trust me, I know from experience. Butter, coconut oil, stevia, and a dash of Ceylon cinnamon (and a few drops of pure vanilla extract) whipped up in a Ninja or Bullet is heavenly 😉

It also gives you energy, focus, and helps keep you full all morning!

Not to be an advertisement for Kerrygold, but it is grass-fed, which I like best, and it’s in such high demand for all those paleo and keto dieters out there, the price has increased quite a bit.



Kim Smyth
Limericks: Making You Smile

Freelance writer/blogger, editor-creator of Twisted Trunk Travels-my new travel blog.