How to Submit a Limerick

Joanna Henderson
Limericks: Making You Smile
2 min readApr 29, 2020


Short guide for those wishing to write for us

Welcome to “Limericks — Making You Smile One Poem at a Time”! We are a new publication dedicated exclusively to limericks.

What is a limerick?

“A limerick is a five-line poem that consists of a single stanza, an AABBA rhyme scheme, and whose subject is a short, pithy tale or description. Most limericks are comedic, some are downright crude, and nearly all are trivial in nature”

Examples of limericks:

“There once was a wonderful star
Who thought she would go very far
Until she fell down
And looked like a clown
She knew she would never go far.”

Want to read more limericks to understand them better? Check out this source: — it features 75 poems!

I also wrote an article explaining what limericks are and how to write them:

How to Submit a Limerick?



Joanna Henderson
Limericks: Making You Smile

Canadian. Mental health activist. Banker and financier who drinks too much coffee. Pursuing happiness and sharing my thoughts with others.