Quarantine Limericks: Italy. Smoking Hookah and Frying Avocado

Part 6 of the quarantine series.


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Three well-mannered young ladies in Lucca

Have been hiding at home, smoking hookah.

They became super-loud,

And attracted a crowd -

Special forces arrived with bazookas.


Once a restaurant owner in Bari

Has devoured all fried calamari.

He adored it much more,

Than the pasta before!

So ashamed, quickly swallowed curare*.

*a type of poison


The beautiful tower of Pisa

Almost fell thanks to crazy Teresa.

She was swiftly escorted

By guards, who reported

That Louvre barely saved Mona Lisa.


Three alpacas in sunny Verona

Have been drinking an icey “Corona”.

They got drunk very fast,

Have escaped and — at last! –



Joanna Henderson
Limericks: Making You Smile

Canadian. Mental health activist. Banker and financier who drinks too much coffee. Pursuing happiness and sharing my thoughts with others.