What Am I Supposed to See

When I am nothing?

Published in
4 min readJan 19, 2021


"Design" by Grin Spickett, via Canva and the public domain

This may be my personal beginnings of the theory of everything, but not quite because unlike the late great mind of Stephen Hawking, I am a middle-aged housewife and mother of five grown children. This is where I dip my toes in almost daily to examine and extract something from the ether. Those somethings could be anything from a random or requested remote viewing target, psychic detective classwork or a telepathic check-in with a loved one. Better yet I occasionally open up my awareness in a way very much like mindfulness, but being mindful of the “unseen” space around me. Although not verifiable by feedback it is like mindfulness on steroids.

It all started one night while lying in bed and tossing back and forth some pre-sleep thoughts that were buzzing around in my head. I had had psychic experiences my whole life, but had only recently accepted this notion as something that would go down in the annals of me after reading Lyn Buchanan’s book The Seventh Sense. In other words, I could say the words “I AM PSYCHIC.” This experience occurred after a few months of practicing remote viewing sessions almost daily. In that pre-sleep state I wondered what would happen if I tried to use the same technique, closing my eyes and trying to envision what’s “out there” to see something, anything……..

At first I saw lots of geometric shapes and they were not stationary, they moved. They were in the same black and white photo negative scheme I had seen in remote viewing. It totally blew my mind, because it looked like what I had imagined psychedelic hallucinations to entail. The big difference is I had brought this on myself by just opening my awareness! From that point I would see these Spirograph-like fun things quite often, always in a sleepy state either at night or in the morning. When I explained these occurrences to the Discord RV group the suggestion of “hypnogogic and hypnopompic hallucinations” was brought up. I suppose, but the word hallucinations has a negative connotation and I brought it about by opening up my awareness; I wanted this to happen. Insert whiny kid voice here “But she started it!” With some online education I learned that Einstein and Tesla purportedly and purposefully “went” to their hypnagogic and/or hypnopompic states for inspiration. If it’s good enough for the incredible minds of the day, why not me?

After the geometric shape show went on for a few nights, I started to see floating bubbles. And now for the fun part — the floating bubbles morphed into faces of people. Yes, people. I’m guessing disembodied spirits here. And not only were they looking at me, but one smiled and waved. HOLY CRAP. This stuff is not only to watch like a matinee, but it’s to participate in! (Although any participation from me outward and toward this space would actually occur months later.) These bubble people spirits were happy to be where they were and seemed to have no desire to “move on”; they just took delight in their new form as bubbles. I mean really, how cool is that? Maybe they move to some higher plane after their initial floaty experience. Your guess is as good or better than mine.

After several instances of seeing bubbles something switched. It was almost as if I needed to be reminded (by who or what?) of the ether’s dark underbelly to understand that a liminal space is not all sunshine and rainbows. The first spiritual negatives were regular old frowny-faced people, which I shooed away, but then there was Baphomet. He came at me like a cinematic Hitchcockian zoom out/dolly in technique. Luckily for me at that point I had developed some psychic confidence and by the way of boundaries just rolled my eyes at him and closed him out with an assertive “go away.” I acknowledged their presences, firmly told them to step back and that was enough. Apparently to be acknowledged and validated in the ether is a thing too. And that is the beginning of my experiences. Like an astral travel dark matter movie that shows up to entertain. There’s no script, no plot and it just “IS” for now. Maybe it’s there for you too. And throughout this process, remember, the ego gets shaken up and down and side to side and you, like me, are nothing.

