Bite-Sized Wisdom: Why You Should Name Your Subconscious Mind

Christopher Rivera M.Ed


  • This is going to be the first of many posts regarding general wisdom and philosophy I have gleaned through my 38 years on this planet earth. With all the chaos in the world and SO much information to comb through, I wanted to share in a way that doesn’t exhaust myself or others. Enter Bite-Sized Wisdom. A small little mind adventure in which I will do my best to teach some simple techniques that just may change your life, or at the very least help you stave off that impending panic attack until you can rest and recover. I hope you enjoy it!

After being cooped up due to the pandemic, Texas began to reduce their stay-at-home orders allowing groups of 10 or less to meet with a lower threat of peer pressure and social media shaming. Was the threat to coronavirus less? No idea. For my friend's birthday, she wanted to have a socially distanced mask-wearing get together. Five people or less. Seemed safe enough. After not having had a social conversation with more than one or two people at a time, I was very self-conscious about myself. It was as though I could see my communication style, my cadence, the words that bubbled up and instantly got in line ready to be corralled into the next sentence leaving my mouth. Without realizing it, I was having a conversation with a young woman about naming your own subconscious mind.



Christopher Rivera M.Ed

Chris is an educator, musician, writer, artist, and entrepreneur from Austin, TX who studies the topics of mindfulness, creativity, and talent development.