We Must Be More Human in an AI World
Confessions of a Tech Optimist Who Still Values Human Touch
I’m deeply passionate about AI and its potential to transform our world. As a writer in tech, I spend my days exploring AI tools, testing new models, and marvelling at each technological breakthrough. Words and human stories are my first love, but I’ll admit — I’m totally fascinated by what these smart machines can do.
However… the more I immerse myself in this digital revolution, both writing about it and experiencing it firsthand, the more I’ve come to a surprising realization about what truly matters.
Look around — screens everywhere, right? And here’s the irony: the more tech takes over our lives, the more we crave real human connections. We’re not here to compete with AI at its own game — we’re better off just being ourselves, being human.
Sure, AI is great at processing numbers and facts (probably better than most of us!). But it can’t do what comes naturally to us — sharing real stories, making genuine connections, or just getting what someone’s going through (talking about empathy!)
So, if we want to stand out in this AI world… we need two things.
First, yes, please go ahead and develop those essential AI skills (“AI won’t take our job, but someone…