You Can Ride Every Bitcoin Trend With Fundamental Analysis
Insights to Predict Market Trends by Analyzing Central Banks’ Actions
There’s a famous quote from Stanley Druckenmiller that goes like this:
Earnings don’t move the markets. It’s the Federal Reserve Board… focus on the central banks, and focus on the movement of liquidity… most people in the market are looking for earnings and conventional measures. It’s liquidity that moves markets.
As you can imagine, I can’t get in touch with Druckenmiller easily… 😉
But there’s a company making fundamental analysis a lot more approachable for traders, which I thought might be able to expand this quote into more detail for us.
That’s BeSomebodyFX.
BeSomebodyFX was kind enough to help with an interview to explore this aspect of fundamentals, and the interview result was beyond my expectations!
As I have covered in my previous articles regarding crypto fundamental analysis and the impact of the FED’s money supply on crypto, this interview really helps to connect some dots.