My Great Resignation

A poem and a prayer

Melissa Chanthalangsy
Limitless Creative


Photo by author

Late February 2021.
Pictured here: a tired, spent, and burnt-out me on the day I decided
it was over.

I quit my job with nothing lined up.
I got burned.
I was done.
Most importantly,
it was time.

I showed myself out of a relentless numbing, a toxic beast, a harrowing myth.

A twisted mentality that working all day,
making someone else money
would somehow give my life purpose, meaning, or impact.

Spoiler — it didn’t and it doesn’t and it never did.

Here’s a finger to capitalism and Wh*te supremacy
(they go hand-in-hand)
because as it turns out,
the boss…

is me.

Fast forward to now.

Little did I know, I was riding a wave, a movement, a collective, conscious awakening. The “Great Resignation” means the tides are shifting.

We’re no longer asleep. We’re waking up, rising.

