Limitlex welcomes new team member and strategic advisor, Marc Despallieres!

Evgenija Trajkoska
Limitlex Blog
Published in
4 min readAug 14, 2018

Beside the recent launch of the payment gateway solution for cryptocurrencies and the upcoming launch of the demo version, we’re empowering our team with new members.

We are excited to introduce our new advisor and APAC ambassador, Mr Marc Despallieres.

Over the last 30 years Marc has developed an outstanding track record supporting banks, brokers and professional traders, by introducing them to the most advanced technology, liquidity, brokerage infrastructure, clearing and services currently available for institutional trading.

Evgenija: Marc you have a versatile working experience. How has your career been developing?

Marc: Well, I started trading during the crash of 1987 and ended up managing one of the most profitable trading teams on the MATIF during its peak. After enjoying being a broker for three years I decided to move to prop trading as a member of the French Futures Exchange (local) until the end of the open cry market.

The change to electronic trading gave us the opportunity to move and I ended up in Ireland as a member of both the MATIF and the FINEX exchanges, trading mainly Derivatives, spot FX and French T-Bonds.

With the family getting bigger, we all moved to Sydney, Australia and I started Baxter Australia, a Prime of Prime Broker offering spot FX multi-platform access under the same account for institutional players.

In 2015, the Baxter team and I started the first clearing house for spot FX using Blockchain Technology. Our main focus was Spot Foreign Exchange but slowly by slowly the Digital currency was taking me away. I left the team and the project in 2016 to focus solely on cryptocurrency trading and mining.

Evgenija: Me and my team could not be happier that you’re joining us, you’re a perfect addition to the team. When did the project caught your attention, and how did you decide to join?

Marc: I came across Limitlex project at the FIX conference in Sydney last year; I did some research and contacted the team in Slovenia. I then discovered that it was not a project on paper but already well advanced in development.

We spoke about the technical aspects and the need of a “Smart Crypto Exchange” bringing more advanced tools for traders, tools that already existed in Foreign Exchange trading since many years.

The white-label solution was also something that really appeared indispensable to me.

I joined the team and started to present the Limitlex Exchange to some friends and long term clients. I currently manage one of the largest cryptocurrency trading and technology groups on LinkedIn (with over 50,000 members), and within 24 hours I was flooded with requests!

This really showed me that the future of cryptocurrency is greater than what the majority of people think! The world of cryptocurrency reminds me of the early derivatives market days…

Evgenija: We have the mission to revolutionize and modernize the way people trade their crypto assets. Limitlex has a smart, intuitive platform offering both beginners and experts the trading mechanisms they need to expand their portfolio like never before. What are in your opinion Limitlex’s biggest advantages?

Marc: This year Binance, with only 300 employees, will make roughly the same net profit as Deutsche Bank!

Nevertheless most platforms don’t offer advanced trade orders and Limitlex are addressing these issues! We want to make professional cryptocurrency trading more efficient and more accessible.

Not only the exchange is superior to its competitors, but also the white-label solution is long overdue in this space. It will provide an easy, fast and cost-efficient access for financial firms to offer cryptocurrency trading to their customers. It is a very convenient and flexible option!

And the fact that we already have some strong partnerships with our merchant solution for accepting payments in various cryptocurrencies is making our exchange token more valuable.

Evgenija: What are your expectations? How do you envision the future of Limitlex?

Marc: I can see Limitlex playing an important role within the institutional market not only as a source of liquidity but also as a technology provider.

The white-label solution is a real killer, as you can build your own exchange at extremely low costs within a few weeks. This dramatically reduces the risks involved in the development and management of crypto exchanges, and will substantially change the market.

We are mainly focussed on what we can build/improve and bring to the market. Our focus is not on marketing hype but rather how we can make it better for both the buy side (small and big) and the sell side participants. It is a challenging approach as we want to bring complexity (orders/WL) and simplicity (for users) together.

Evgenija: What would be your advice to lay users who are new to crypto and would like to start trading for the first time?

Marc: For any new traders, the best advice I can give is: Don’t do it! ☺ I know that 90% of the new retail traders will lose money!

I always compare traders to high level sports champions, and trading to competition… only a small hand of players will reach the top. Unfortunately, like in sport, it is when you lose that you learn the most! So expect to lose when building your strategy!

Build your confidence with your own strategy that fits your profile and focus on risk management more than the prediction of the next move. Stay fit, sleep well and eat well… It will definitely help you to be successful! Most of all, only risk what you can afford and never overuse leverage!

Investing and building a portfolio in cryptocurrency is a different story…

It’s been interesting last couple of months at our offices. The team is working hard and is focused on delivering results. Our efforts are getting recognized. Are you ready to join the ride? Visit Limitlex to find out more.

