Drupal module to assist UK users in Brexit

Baris Wanschers
Published in
2 min readApr 1, 2019

With the Brexit climax in sight, many organisations need to prepare their next step for UK trading. Will UK oriented business remain economically viable or do they need need to shift their focus elsewhere? IT related businesses will not remain untouched. LimoenGroen is launching a piece of software preparing Drupal websites for Brexit, by May 22.

Photo by Kevin Grieve on Unsplash

Drupal is an open source content management framework used by many websites and digital platforms. Developers worldwide continuously add new tools and possibilities because of its open ecosystem. LimoenGroen, as long time Drupal supplier, has added many contributions to Drupal. The Drupal CMS is used globally by brands like Amnesty International, BBC and Tesla.

All websites in the EU have to comply with European rules and guidelines. After Brexit, these do no longer apply to UK website visitors. The Brexit Drupal module will take care of many necessary countermeasures that will help UK visitors in their transition from the EU. Using the VotingAPI module, UK visitors can submit any poll three times. The module also restricts free movement of users between websites. European cookie notifications, in accordance with EU cookie compliance, will be hidden for website visitors from the UK. In case of a Backstop, the Backstop generator module will support appropriate scenarios.

The Brexit module is LimoenGroen’s effort to aid Britain in Brexit digitally, in accordance with their open source mindset. Do you need to make your website Brexit proof? Or do you have another digital project underway? Feel free to contact us and discuss these over a nice cup of Earl Grey.

See or download the module: https://www.drupal.org/project/brexit



Baris Wanschers

Co-founder at LimoenGroen (www.limoengroen.nl) and founder of the Dutch Drupal foundation.