OpenPaaS Newsletter 6 - August 2017

Laura Royet
Linagora Engineering
7 min readAug 30, 2017

For this August newsletter, nothing technical since most of the OpenPaaS Team members were on holidays this month. Some of them wanted to share what they did: relaxing in front of the sea, hiking in mountains, visiting new cities… and even cooking chutney!

Discover in details what they did to recharge batteries to be ready for an awesome end of year full of new challenges and features! Here we go!



Chilling in front of the sea in Portugal, doing absolutely nothing is the best feeling ever…


Pyrenees mountains

While not hacking on Open Source stuff, I usually spend my free time biking, hiking and running with the kids and the dog in the Mediterranean hinterland.

This year, as usual, we went back to our lovely Pyrenees mountains in the south of France and we choose one of the most famous place over there to spend our holidays: Luz St Sauveur, next to all the awesome hiking spots and legendary mountain pass. The week was full of hikes, and we wanted to challenge our 8 years old son with a big one: “La brèche de Roland”, a natural gap, 40 meters across and 100 meters high, at an elevation of 2804 meters. This hike was a total success, the kid climbed the 800 meters without pain, even easier for him than for most of us. We are so proud of him that we are looking forward to go over the symbolic 3000 meters level by climbing several great summits together next year.

Gavarnie cirque / ”Almost at the Brèche de Roland
”So proud of this little boy” / “Last day, on our way to the Cirque d’Estaubé


Sapa - Vietnam - here we go!

It was a hot summer in Hanoi, people usually, go to cooler places during their summer vacations, some go to beaches, some go to mountains. This is the first time I go to Sapa, a town lying at an elevation of about 1500 meters in the north-west Vietnam. The weather was quite cold there (during the summer!), of course I did not forget to bring some lightweight winter coats and my younger sister ;).

We had a good time together, climbed a mountain having a lot of flowers, made selfies in front of a wonderful waterfall, rode a motorbike through a mountain pass where we can see the clouds on the right-hand side and the cliffs on the other one.

And of course, there is nothing tastier than the barbecue foods in such cold weather.

Sapa - Vietnam


Alps mountains

I hiked in the Alps mountains. Under a beautiful sun I saw fantastic scenery. Some of the paths I’ve taken belong to the Tour of Mont-Blanc which attracts many hikers, trailers and bikers.

Below I wanted to share with you some pictures of the refuge I slept one night in. This experience has been replenishing! Imagine yourself in the heart of nature, surrounded by mountains from the time you arrived at the top of the mountain until the following morning.

Refuge of Tré-La-Tête - elevation: 1970 m



On August I made a road trip in Corsica. You can’t imagine a more beautiful and natural island, I have been delighted by the beauty of the land and the kindness of the Corsica people. Here I found a table football outdoors… maybe a call for a LINAGORA office down there?



Kelibia - Tunisia

I spent 5 wonderful days in the coastal town of Kelibia on the Cap Bon peninsula in the far north-eastern part of Tunisia. Its sand beaches are considered some of the finest in the Mediterranean.

Kelibia - Tunisia


Oued Abid - Tunisia

Just like Firas I was on the Cap Bon peninsula but in the west side. I camped in Oued Abid.

Oued Abid: fish barbecue & sea food dish named “gargoulet” - landscape - camping life


Cook as code

I traveled to La Rochelle and to the Alps; but I also took some time to cook chutney to match the winter “foie gras”!

.filter(fig -> !fig.isRotten)
Antoine’s chutney


Wedding & Travel in Tunisia

About my holidays? Well, I got married then discovering new amazing places in Tunisia like Djerba, Klibia, Bizerta, Mahdia … a lot of vitamin SEA and great Time ! It was just amazing.



CHINA - Yunnan

I went 5 days in the province of Yunnan, here it is spring all year. I visited a park of flowers, it is beautiful. The landscape, the fresh air, is really different from Paris.

The Stone Forest or Shilin in chinese & flowers reserve of Yunnan - Dali
Dinh Le Street & Trang Tien in Hoan Kiem Lake - Vietnam

Maybe all this is giving you inspirations for your next holidays? For our part, we are came back from our holidays full of energy and ready to provide tons of new features for our beloved OpenPaaS.

Find us very soon in our September newsletter.
By then, keep in touch with OpenPaaS on Twitter, Facebook, GitHub.
Interested joining Linagora? Apply to job offers.

