
Antoine Duprat
Linagora Engineering
3 min readNov 10, 2016


Here’s my feedback from conference which stood at Lyon on October 27th and 28th 2016.

First of all, I wish to thank the crew; the organization of the conference was perfect:

  • enough place on each room
  • lot of interesting talks
  • smart speakers from lot of Scala communities
  • crêpes, candies, and more…

The most important thing: It was a pleasure to share and discuss with other attendees.

I attended to many interesting talks, here are my notes from some of them

Is Scala code slow” by Roman Grebennikov
The main goal of this talk was to compare some Scala library methods with similar old style programming methods performances.
The advice that Roman gave us is that performance measuring is hard.
Profilers can tell you where your code is slow, but not why, you may use tools such as JMH or sbt_jmh in order to know why. Then the hard part is to read the bytecode or the generated assembler.
The slides of this presentation will help you how to understand why the code is slow by taking several examples: pattern matching, options, recursion, collections.

Applying FP Patterns” by Markus Hauck (recorded)
In this talk, Markus presented us a comparison of ObjectOriented and FunctionalProgramming in some cases.
He first made a funny parallelism with toys and programming: ‘OO tends to be like Duplo, FP tends to be like Lego’.
Then he introduced a Monoids design in order to understand what stands behind FP.
Finally, he presented two FP patterns:

  • RDDs and folds: how is it implemented in Spark
  • Errors: comparison of try/catch, Either, Validated & Ior patterns

Beautiful Scala” by Marconi Lanna
Marconi Lanna used Scala REPL for his slides, which is a huge thing in order to replay all tips he gave us during this talk.
If you are interested in Scala or not an expert, I will advice you to play them.
He did an impressive job by showing us various of Scala basis from case class, String, Collections and much more.
Running his slides in Scala REPL will let you the chance to try presented features, and much more.

GraphQL — a type system for your API” by Oleg Ilyenko
In his talk, Oleg introduced the motivation and a presentation of GraphQL.
He showed us the limits of the classical JSON based REST API, then he introduced us the GraphQL concepts.
GraphQL is an API query language and a server-side runtime for executing queries by using a type system you define for your data.
The main benefit of using GraphQL is to limit the number of network queries needed by a client in order to achieve one operation to 1.
Finally, he presented us Sangria which is the Scala GraphQL library.

To conclude, Scala.io2016 was a great conference which was filled by plenty of great talks some of them were recorded and are currently being posted in their youtube channel.
If you are interested in open source, I will strongly recommend you to listen to the presentation of Jamie AllenFOOS in Jeopardy”.

I especially want to thank Jean Helou, from the crew, for his great scala skills; and also Linagora for letting me attend to this conference.

