Feminism Didn’t Kill Chivalry.

Stupidity did.

Linda Caroll
xo Linda


I read a comment where some guy said feminism has destroyed chivalry. He “used to be” chivalrous, he said, but movements like #metoo and feminism have “destroyed that” and he’s not going to be chivalrous anymore. He said.

Which basically means he’s not going to pay for dinner or open the door for a woman anymore because they want equal pay and don’t want to be raped.

I wish I was kidding.

It’s not just men. I read a post by a woman who said “the social norms of chivalry and modesty were set up to protect women and we need to understand how feminism has empowered the Weinsteins of the world.”

Wtf? Not even linking to that delusional nonsense. Because it’s crap.

And I have to wonder — how did we get so collectively stupid?

What Men Think Chivalry Is…

Paul Sturtevant tells a fascinating story. Sturtevant is an author, a medievalist and a historian at the Smithsonian Institute. In his class on the medieval era, he asks students to make a list of behaviors that they consider chivalrous.

Know what they come up with?

— Giving a woman their coat on a cold night
— Paying the bill on a date
— Kissing a woman’s hand and …
— The #1…

