How the dead man’s pose and 5 minutes will change your life forever

Linda Caroll
xo Linda
Published in
3 min readMar 26, 2017


Colonel Mustard. In the kitchen. With a knife. Haha. Kidding

There’s a yoga pose called corpse pose. Or dead man’s pose.

Technically, it’s called Shavasana, but I like calling it dead man’s pose.

You lay on the floor, arms and legs spread just a bit. Palms up. Eyes closed. And you play dead.

Before you lay down, set a timer for 5 minutes.
On your phone, or on the internet. Here’s a good one

What to do in those 5 minutes...

First, notice how your butt feels all mashed against the floor. Does it feel like a pancake? Notice how it’s mashed. In the middle? Or all over?

Then, notice your shoulders. Are they relaxed? Or are you wearing them up around your ears like crazy-town earrings?

What about your stomach? Is it going up and down as you breathe? Or are you chest breathing? Try stomach breathing and notice your stomach moving up and down. Without looking. You’re dead, remember? Your eyes are closed.

Do an inventory of your body. What do you notice? Is your pant leg twisted around your leg? Is one ankle more tipped than the other? What do you…

