From multinationals to startups

Lourenço Jardim de O
Line Health
Published in
3 min readJul 21, 2015
copyright: StartUp Lisboa

The search for purpose at work can take you anywhere. To me, it made me leave the wonderful city of Paris, quit my job as a consultant and the suit & tie uniform that came with it. Was it my dream job? No, I was looking for much more.

Whether you’re working for big multinationals or for startups, with a well or poorly paid job, a cool or a grumpy boss, the real question you need to ask yourself is how do you explain the 8, 10, 12 hours you spend each day at the office. What meaning do you give to that time?

Naturally, working with some of the most prestigious companies in France was quite interesting for a young Portuguese like me, unused to such economic dimensions that an American might just consider unimpressive and a Chinese insignificant. It was a good experience, no doubt. But at the end of the day, instead of feeling important for having talked with important people from important companies, I realized I spent my days trying to achieve goals that didn’t make much sense.

Instead of solving real-world problems, attending real market needs and using creativity and innovation to develop solutions with deeper purposes, I was just helping big companies finding new ways to sell the same product to the same people.

And so, after 6 years abroad, I decided to quit my job and return to the beautiful Lisbon, my hometown and one the most dynamic startup hubs in Europe. When I arrived, I found exactly what I was looking for. I found a startup with a passionate team, a serious project and a huge potential. I found my own generation, with its own way of doing things and its own values and methods. I found Line Health. As soon as I read about the project online and how it made use of digital solutions to improve the health condition of people around the world and actually saved lives, I sent an email to Diogo and Sofia and in less than a month I was part of the team.

Everything changed from the consulting life. Now I have the opportunity of being a true creator, not just one more employee among thousands of others who understand innovation as repeating the same thing but in different ways. At Line Health, the team communicates in a completely transparent manner and you can feel the passion that each member has for the work he is producing and the value he is generating. I found a place where I can have fun at work while being professional and constantly challenged with far more responsibilities than I would have anywhere else.

So yes, I left the beautiful Paris. I left the offices in the Champs Elysées, the apartment in Montmarte, the baguette and the croissant. Some said I was crazy for leaving a stable, well-paid job in a rich country. But I’m not looking for stability and I’m not looking for wealth. I’m looking for impact, I’m looking for purpose. And I couldn’t be happier with my choice.

Many professionals are now chosing startups over bigger corporation. Did you experience such a transition? Tell me more about it.

