CHAOS rewards distribution to Linear Finance users

Linear Finance
Linear Finance
Published in
2 min readJan 31, 2022

Dear Linear Community,

We’re starting off the new year with a BANG!

Don’t get too excited and hear us out!

May we proudly present — Athos! Linear Finance’s integration on Moonbeam later this year. Our project lead, Kevin Tai, dropped the news at last week’s Moonriver Ecosystem Festival and here we are — formally announcing the project to our community.

The project is still in its development phase so we can’t reveal too much except that it will be deployed on Moonbeam.

But to let the Linear family in on a secret — Linear Finance users who hold debt will be entitled to a portion of Chaotic weekly rewards! And that’s on top of the weekly LINA and LUSD rewards you guys are so familiar with. GAME CHANGER!

These rewards will also be independent of the CHAOS Airdrop which will be based on a historically time-weighted average of the debt you’ve held in Linear.Buildr. Here’s a quick refresher on how to build debt to access these rewards in due course!

For all of you who have been with us since the beginning of time, what better way to thank you for your continued support by saving you a spot in our new projects! And to the new members of our community, welcome aboard! CHAOS rewards are now officially extended to you as well and we do hope you will continue to be part of our upcoming developments!

About Linear Finance

Linear Finance is a cross-chain compatible, decentralized delta-one asset protocol that allows users to get synthetic exposure to various assets, including cryptocurrency, commodities, and market indices. Users can utilize our cross-chain swap functionality to instantly swap assets across leading blockchain environments and DeFi protocols with unlimited liquidity and zero slippage.

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Linear Finance
Linear Finance

A Decentralized Delta-One Asset Protocol with Unlimited Liquidity