Linear Finance
Linear Finance
Published in
3 min readJan 23, 2024


27th Jan, 2024 Update #1

Hi Linear Community. Today we are launching the first in an ongoing series of regular protocol updates. The frequency will be approximately every two weeks, but we will flex this around the availability of information. The updates will be quite technical in nature, focusing heavily on development, but will also cover other important events in marketing, partnership building, team updates etc.

Update covering Mid to End Jan, 2024

Tech Team Update — The combination of these updates, from infrastructure improvements to new feature integrations, signifies a major leap forward. We’re not just reskinning; we’re enhancing, expanding, and elevating every aspect of our platform. Our aim is to deliver a fully restored and advanced protocol that meets and exceeds community expectations.

Website and Logo Animation: Our website is nearing completion, with the landing page and logo animation being the final touches. The new look is shaping up to be both sleek and user-friendly.

Comprehensive Bug Mitigation and System Improvements: We’ve tackled various bugs and system inefficiencies. This includes updating systems for pulling total supply and other vital data directly from the blockchain, which is crucial for accurate tracking of transactions.

Liquidation System Overhaul and Infrastructure Upgrade: Having relaunched liquidations, we’ve also addressed an issue with our liquidation bot on AWS and deployed a new contract. Alongside this, we’ve upgraded our dApp and website infrastructure to 4everland, further enhancing scalability, security and our relationship with BNBChain.

Dashboard Enhancements and Vault Graph Issue: We’ve restored and updated the dashboard to directly fetch blockchain data and improved the number formatting for user-friendliness. Additionally, a graph issue in the vault is almost fixed, however it requires a contract update and a new graph reference which are not top priority currently, but will be attended.

DEX Planning and Test Environment Development: We are in the early stages of planning our DEX, and we have begun developing a dedicated test environment. This environment is crucial for our current and future developments, especially the multi-collateral feature which is in production at the moment.

General Operations Update — Its been an excellent start to the new year, lets recap the last couple of weeks.

A noteworthy Tweet from the team at BNBChain kicked us off to a great start: “Learn about Linear’s excellent contributions to our ecosystem in 2023, and get some alpha on what they’re planning for BNB Chain this year” kindly linking the tweet to our recent end-of-year report. Check it out here:

The Community AMA was next with Jason in our Discord channel. This was a frank and honest, unpolished, chat where we explored the issues relevant to our community members, have a listen here:

Linear announced our attendance at ‘Blockchain Lifestyle Meetup’ on the third weekend of May 2024, supporting our friends at belonq community.

As per the tech update we also transitioned our website and dApps onto BNBChain’s Greenfield hosting, using the platform provided by 4Everland. This not only improves our tech, but as importantly supports our friends in the BNB Chain community.

We also have a number of potential partnerships in the pipeline at the moment and some interesting podcasts coming up — so stay tuned for more updates, and as always, thank you for your unwavering support and enthusiasm.

Team Linear.



Linear Finance
Linear Finance

A Decentralized Delta-One Asset Protocol with Unlimited Liquidity