Linear Vault Updates

Linear Finance
Linear Finance
Published in
2 min readJun 2, 2022

Dear Linear Community,

As mentioned in previous entries, the team at Linear Finance continues to build and provide long term stability to the protocol.

With that in mind, we are looking for ways to increase liquidity to the LUSD/BUSD pool on PCS, which will help strengthen the LUSD peg. On June 30, 2022, at 04:00 am UTC, some changes will be made to the current Vault pools. The single LUSD pools will stop emitting rewards and the LUSD/BUSD pool will be allocated additional rewards to increase the attractiveness of staking the LUSD/BUSD LP token.

As rewards to the single LUSD pools will stop, we encourage users to unstake the LUSD on or before June 30, 2022, at 04:00 am UTC. Users will be able to remove their stake after said date, but no new deposits will be permitted along with the cessation of rewards.

For users who staked LUSD in either of the single pools and still want to earn an attractive APY on two stablecoins, you can add liquidity to the LUSD-BUSD on PCS and stake your LP tokens on Linear Vault.

Please find a step-by-step guide on how you can do this here.

Over the coming weeks, we will also be introducing further user function that will allow the Linear community to earn rewards via interacting with our protocol. Please keep an eye out for the related announcement.

Thank you for your understanding, any questions please feel free to reach out to our admins on the Linear Finance Discord server.

Kind regards,

Linear Finance Team

About Linear Finance

Linear Finance is a cross-chain compatible, decentralized delta-one asset protocol that allows users to get synthetic exposure to various assets, including cryptocurrency, commodities, and market indices. Users can utilize our cross-chain swap functionality to instantly swap assets across leading blockchain environments and DeFi protocols with unlimited liquidity and zero slippage.

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Linear Finance
Linear Finance

A Decentralized Delta-One Asset Protocol with Unlimited Liquidity