Project Update: August 2023

Linear Finance
Linear Finance
Published in
3 min readAug 10, 2023


Introduction: In this project update, we are excited to share the latest developments and advances within Linear Finance. Our team has been diligently working on multiple fronts to enhance the platform’s capabilities and overall user experience. This update covers key areas of progress, including Multi-Collateral Staking, the launch of a new website and branding, introduction of new liquid assets, a team update and the development of a new Order Book DEX.

  1. Multi-Collateral Staking: We are thrilled to announce that the code and initial testing is now complete. The next stages are UI/UX integration and testing, and having the code audited for security. As you know this new feature enables us to lock up a variety of collateral types allowing users to have more options to participate, trade and earn rewards, whilst contributing to the platform’s decentralization. Multi-Collateral staking is on target to be delivered in Q3.
  2. New Website and Branding: As part of our ongoing efforts to improve user engagement and adoption, we are working on a completely revamped website and branding for Linear Finance. The new design emphasizes user-friendliness, accessibility, and a streamlined interface. The updated branding aligns with our vision of simplicity and professionalism, ensuring that users can easily navigate the platform and access the information and applications they need. You may have already noticed a move toward a new 3D Logo, which you will see more of in increasingly creative ways as the brand continues to develop. The new website is on target to be delivered in Q3.
  3. New Liquid Assets: We continue to work on delivering a range of new liquid assets to the Linear Finance platform. Our intention is for these additions to expand the diversity of options available to users, enabling them to access and trade a broader array of assets directly from the platform. Adding new assets can be challenging as we rely on data-feeds from external sources. We apologise that there has been some delay here, but we anticipate the first new liquid asset to be launched in the next 1–2 weeks.
  4. Team Members: In line with our commitment to strengthening the project’s development and leadership, we have recently welcomed several new members to the Linear Finance team. These individuals bring a wealth of experience and expertise in various fields, including blockchain technology, finance, and user experience. The new team can now take the lead as we bid a fond farewell to Kevin and Aedreon, who after founding and running the project for the last 3 years have now stepped down. We wish them all the very best and thank them for creating such an innovative and solid foundation for us to continue to build upon.
  5. New Order Book DEX: We are actively working on the development of a new Order Book Decentralized Exchange (DEX) within the Linear Finance ecosystem. This addition will provide users with a more advanced and versatile trading experience, allowing for choice between trading real and synthetic assets. The Order Book DEX represents a significant step forward in our mission to offer a comprehensive suite of decentralized financial tools.

The progress outlined in this project update underscores our commitment to innovation, user satisfaction, and the growth of the Linear Finance platform. With the successful integration of Multi-Collateral Staking, the launch of a new website and branding, the introduction of new liquid assets, the expansion of our team, and the ongoing development of a new Order Book DEX, we are well-positioned to continue providing a robust and comprehensive decentralized finance solution.

Stay tuned for more exciting updates as we continue the fight to shape the future of finance through decentralization.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Kind regards,

Linear Team

About Linear Finance

Linear Finance is a cross-chain compatible, decentralized delta-one asset protocol that allows users to get synthetic exposure to various assets, including cryptocurrency, commodities, and market indices. Users can utilize our cross-chain swap functionality to instantly swap assets across leading blockchain environments and DeFi protocols with unlimited liquidity and zero slippage.

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Linear Finance
Linear Finance

A Decentralized Delta-One Asset Protocol with Unlimited Liquidity