LINE Blockchain’s New Look: Finschia

Published in
4 min readApr 20, 2023

Hello from the Finschia Foundation.

LINE Blockchain is taking off a new journey with its rebranded name: Finschia. This is the first rebranding after since 3 years ago in 2020, when LINK Chain was changed into LINE Blockchain.

LINE Blockchain is a strategic business that LINE, a major component of the Finschia Ecosystem, has heavily invested in since 2018 with the aim of achieving another global success story. This effort has yielded notable results, including the acquisition of approx. 4 million users within just 8 months of launching our third-generation mainnet, Finschia, as well as our global NFT platform DOSI, which is considered a blockchain engine. Recently, the Finschia Foundation was established in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, where regulations regarding blockchain and cryptocurrency have been rapidly established. The foundation aims to hit its stride in the global Web3 business, with the support of powerful partners.

Why did we rename LINE Blockchain to Finschia? What goals does Finschia have and what kind of future does it envision? From here, we’ll tell you the story of how Finschia rebranded itself.

Why we rebranded to Finschia

The Finschia Foundation was founded to lead the global blockchain market in partnership with all members of the ecosystem as well as LINE. Accordingly, the blockchain business will be propelled with the Finschia Foundation at the helm. Aligned with the purpose, LINE Blockchain has made a momentous decision of rebranding it into Finschia. Currently, the brand name has been changed to Finschia and the coin name of LINK (LN) will also be changed to FINSCHIA (FNSA).

* The coin name change is planned to take place in Q2 after the integration of the Daphne and Finschia mainnets is completed. Until then, the coin name will remain LINK (LN) to avoid confusion.

While LINE Blockchain had a strong concept for a blockchain business that pivoted from LINE, Finschia is now leading the Web3 ecosystem with our powerful partners from various fields, as well as with LINE and its major subsidiaries. Finschia aims to be a blockchain platform that can be easily used based on the services that users use in their daily lives. Specifically, we are actively introducing LINK (LN) as a payment method and onboarding dApp to the Finschia platform established by various developers along with the major services of LINE. By doing so, we aim to establish a virtuous cycle of token transactions and a payment ecosystem based on a “reward-for-contribution” token model. Ultimately, we aspire to become a platform with a billion users and to be at the forefront of the Web3 ecosystem.

Why Finschia?

  • alphabet “F” + Leaf + Future Tech Life Force
  • The Finschia logo utilizes the stem of a plant to represent its strong vitality and focus on the characteristics of the plant, extending into the future.

All of the old mainnet names of LINE Blockchain were taken from trees. Each name has the wish to grow healthy together in the ecosystem like trees. That’s how those following names were born: Alder, Bamboo, Cashew, Daphne, Ebony, and Finschia. Out of all these names, Finschia was chosen as the new brand name for its familiar sound and modern connotations.

Finschia, the inspiration behind our new brand, is a type of tree that thrives in a wide range of habitats, from lush lowland rainforests to steep highland forests. Just as Finschia trees can thrive even in barren soil with their strong vitality, Finschia aims to establish a Web3 ecosystem where everyone can freely create value, make transactions, and receive rewards. Our new logo (CI) symbolizes this vision and determination.

The vision of Finschia: Blockchain for All

The Finschia Foundation continues the values of pursuing “Blockchain for All” and even sees beyond this vision.

We thought deeply about what we should do after realizing the popularity of blockchain as a service that anyone can easily access, and the answer we came up with was to integrate it into our users’ daily lives. If the service goes beyond being simply used by people and becomes a service that millions of users enjoy in their everyday lives, it will become a part of their lives. In the past, the internet connected the entire world and the smartphone opened up a new era where everyone could use the Internet anywhere, anytime. We aim to set a new standard for Web3 through Finschia and create a Web3 ecosystem that our users can use on a daily basis. We hope you’ll join us on the journey ahead.

Thank you.

Finschia Foundation

Disclaimer: The staking, yield farming and swapping activities available on the blockchain mainnet “Finschia” are not regulated and are not provided under the Finschia Foundation license.

