FNSA Holder Verification Guide

Published in
3 min readNov 16, 2023

Hello, this is the Finschia Foundation.

The Finschia Foundation operates the Finschia Discord to communicate with FNSA holders, who are key members of the Finschia ecosystem. To help you verify your FNSA holder status and participate more fully within the Discord, we’ve created the FNSA holder verification guide.

What is FNSA holder verification?

FNSA holder verification is a feature that allows you to verify that you are an FNSA holder on the Finschia Discord. As an FNSA holder, you have a strong sense of belonging to the Finschia ecosystem and can quickly form bonds with ecosystem members while continuing to contribute to the growth of the ecosystem.

Who can use the FNSA holder verification feature?

  • All users who have staked 1 FNSA or more in the DOSI Vault

What are the verified FNSA holder’s benefits?

  • Access to holder-only channels
  • Participation in holder polls
  • Priority access to events and more

We will be adding additional benefits for FNSA holders in the future, so please consider becoming an FNSA holder.

How to verify as an FNSA holder?

1/ Complete FNSA staking with DOSI Vault to verify as an FNSA holder. To learn how to stake FNSA, check out the Guide for Using FINSCHIA(FNSA) Staking Mobile Service.

If you already have FNSA staking through DOSI Vault, you can skip this step.

2/ Click the invitation (https://discord.gg/2WKdP9a8HP) to sign up for Finschia Discord and go through the user verification process.

3/ In the #holder-verify channel, press the ‘Let’s go’ button and then click the ‘Connected Wallet’ button.

4/ Click the ‘Authorize’ button to allow the Finschia verification bot to grant the user holder permissions.

5/ Click the ‘DOSI Vault Extension’ button for Chrome users and the ‘DOSI Vault App’ button for mobile users.

6/ After verifying that the wallet address is correct, click the ‘Sign the wallet and verify as a holder’ button. Then, click the ‘Approve’ button in the message you sign to authorize your DOSI Vault wallet.

7/ Once the holder verification process is complete, you will be granted a discord role based on the number of FNSA staked.

Currently, the FNSA holder verification feature only supports DOSI Vault. We plan to support more crypto wallets in the future.

We are the blockchain for all.

Finschia Foundation

Disclaimer: The FNSA staking and swapping activities available on the blockchain mainnet “Finschia” are not regulated and are not provided under the Finschia Foundation license.

