[NOTICE] Progress of Major Business Plans for 2021 / 2021年主要事業計画の進行状況の共有

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9 min readDec 30, 2021

Hello from the LINE Blockchain team.​

Thank you all for your great interest in the LINE Blockchain ecosystem.

We would like to share the 2021 Business Plan progress with the LINE Blockchain community. In addition, we will elaborate on the future direction of certain services that have been delayed during planning.

1.1. Additional Listings of LINK

■ LINK was listed on Korea’s Bithumb BTC market in August. We have ongoing discussions with multiple exchanges on additional listings of LINK and its expansion to other markets.

■ After the Bithumb listing, we planned for consecutive listings to be followed by, however, the schedule had been postponed with changes of regulations in the countries on which the exchanges are based.

■ We had reviewed some scenarios of listing LINK to any other markets; we have come to the conclusion that at the current stage LINK should be listed first to the exchanges/markets that meet the internal review standards in order to ensure the stable integration of liquidity among the major business countries and for the sake of global liquidity. New listings with little discretion, especially when liquidity integration is not properly processed at the current stage, may lead to serious regulatory risks that can negatively affect the liquidity of LINK, or worse, the availability of LINK and its related services within the major business countries.

■ On top of that, we will expand liquidity and global user base by additional listings, focusing on the exchanges/markets where we previously had in-depth discussions. As we regard a stable trading environment through regulatory compliance as our top priority, we will work on strengthening the liquidity of LINK and preventing further issues not to be aroused once again.

■ Moreover, as announced on the 28th of December, 2021 (https://blockchain.line.me/notice-2/?board-id=6061), we plan to increase the LINE BITMAX user’s limit on holding LN from January 11, 2022. And then, we will proceed additional listings on the exchanges/markets where we previously had in-depth discussions as well as development of the global NFT platform. As such, we are taking necessary steps to implement prior tasks for listing while integrating liquidity at the same time. Please be patient and kindly watch us grow and build more sustainable ecosystem.

1.2. Expansion of NFT-related Services and dApp

■ NFT has been not only a major foundation technology that can innovate the whole industry all around including finance, media contents, entertainment, games and copyrights but also one of the strategic businesses for LINE in 2021.

■ In June, we launched the beta version of NFT Market on LINE BITMAX Wallet in Japan. In this service, LINK-based secondary transaction service was first launched, and accumulated 1.3 million NFTs were issued on the LINE Blockchain. Additionally, by the partnership with Yahoo Auction in Japan, users are expected to trade their NFTs at Yahoo Auction by the launch next year.

■ We issued LINE Blockchain-based NFTs through partnerships with a large number of firms in diverse industries such as contents, games, metaverse, promotions, and characters including the followings: LINE FRIENDS, ZEPETO, Square Enix, Asahi Soft Drinks, Momoiro Clover, FURUSATO CHOICE, PUI PUI Molcar, and DeNA. Any LINE Messenger users over 18 years of age can experience purchasing and selling NFTs.

■ The launch of “LINE NFT,” Japan’s official NFT market, is scheduled for the first quarter of 2022. We are currently discussing collaboration plans with various global companies.

■ With LINE Place, KT, Ditto Music, KMCA, Pangaea, Theta.tv, SOMESING, Dozerbird, and many other companies, partnership on LINE Blockchain Developers and launch of LINE Blockchain-based services have been executed.

■ To make Global №1 NFT Platform, we are preparing a brand new global NFT platform and wallet by leveraging all capabilities we have amassed from LINE Messenger and LINE Blockchain businesses. Accordingly, LINE NEXT, which is dedicated to expanding the global blockchain ecosystem, was established in Korea and the United States respectively. The global NFT platform aims to provide services where companies, creators, and fans from all over the world can participate. Stay tuned for the further announcements on global NFT business.

1.3. Partnership with Payment Gateways

■ In 2021, partnership with payment gateways (PG) was carried out to expand the practicality and demand of LINK. The relevant attempts include partnering with payment providers, providing a direct LINK payment service within PG franchises, updating LINK Rewards functions on LINE Wallet, and therefore increasing its exposure in the LINE Messenger.

■ In August, we conducted a large-scale campaign of rewarding 100 JPY worth LINK Rewards to 1 million users who used LINE Pay to pay at PayPay franchises. This has led to increase holders and laid the foundation for higher LINK liquidity. In December, the balance of LINK Rewards on LINE BITMAX Wallet became available on LINE Wallet’s My Asset Tab. Thanks to the updated feature, all Messenger users can check their LINK Reward balance with one click.

■ To make LINK as a payment method in the real economy, we have completed the development of LINK’s direct payment service. The launch schedule has been delayed due to the consultation process with the external audit firm. But now it is in its final stage for the release. Starting from LINE Pay’s online franchises, LINK payment services will broaden its practicality range even to offline stores. We will gear the official launch and perform marketing plans as soon as the schedule gets fixed.

■ All of the LINK payment-related content mentioned above have been or will be provided only to residents of Japan; and the service will be expanded to global markets accordingly in the future.

1.4. Plans for New LINK Issuance

■ We planned to newly issue 414,972 LN ~ 829,444 LN in order to increase LINK holders and build dApp ecosystem. The maximum circulation according to the original plan was 6,874,943 LN.

■ A total of 6,814 LN has been additionally circulated as user rewards distribution through partnership services this year. The current circulation is at 5,976,013 LN. Issuance plans have been adjusted in accordance with the rearranged schedule of additional listings of LINK and payment partnerships.

1.5. Plans for Communication and Community Operation

■ We plan to advance communication strategies through more media platforms and accessible channels.

■ We highly regard the holders’ community and its impact on blockchain ecosystem as top priority. In this regard, up-to-date news of LINE Blockchain will be more accessible through diverse media.

■ We plan to disclose the LINE Blockchain 2022 Plans. We are also developing varied approaches for anyone who’s interested in LINE Blockchain to easily understand the direction and progress of the projects.

LINE Blockchain is bolstering up the ecosystem faster than ever in line with the rapidly changing global market environment. We are in the stage of introducing our global services and building a sound hub for all users. We would like to ask you to continue supporting us and our community.

Thank you for staying in touch and participating in the LINE Blockchain ecosystem. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us at contact@link.network.

LINE Blockchain Team​


• All policies concerning LINE Blockchain will continue to be governed by the Whitepaper.

• The plans set out in the notice may be subject to change subject to the developments in the market in future, evolving laws and regulations and other commercial considerations. It is difficult to predict how some of these developments may affect LINE Tech Plus and LN, and it is possible that LINE Tech Plus (and/or its affiliates) may cease support for LN in the event that regulatory actions, or changes to the law or regulations, make it illegal to operate in any jurisdiction, or commercially undesirable to obtain the necessary regulatory approval(s) to operate in such a jurisdiction. There may also be unforeseen technical difficulties and shortages of development funds for activities which will affect the development of the items mentioned in this notice. We will provide occasional updates for LN users about LINE Blockchain’s plans, and you can follow our developments at https://blockchain.line.me/whitepaper to keep up to date about the latest status.

• Please note that there is no guarantee or assurance of value or liquidity for LN, and LN is not for speculative investment. The price of LN may fluctuate or may lose all value. Neither LINE Tech Plus, its affiliates, nor other ecosystem members shall be responsible or liable for the value of LN, the transferability and/or liquidity of LN and/or the availability of any market for LN through third parties or otherwise.

  • To the maximum extent permitted by law, LINE Tech Plus, its affiliates and/or other ecosystem members shall not be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, consequential or other losses of any kind, in tort, contract or otherwise (including, without limitation, any liability arising from default or negligence on the part of any of them, or any loss of revenue, income or profits, and loss of use or data) arising from the use of LN’s Whitepaper or any other materials or information published, or its contents or otherwise arising in connection with the same. Prospective purchasers of LN should carefully consider and evaluate all risks and uncertainties (including financial and legal risks and uncertainties) associated with LN.​

こんにちは。LINE Blockchainチームです。​

LINE Blockchainのエコシステムに関心をくださるすべての方々に感謝いたします。

LINE Blockchainコミュニティーの方々に2021年事業計画の進行状況を共有します。計画の内、リリースが遅延した一部のサービスについて、その背景と今後の方向性についてもお伝えいたします。

1.1. 「LINK」取引所への追加上場

■ 今年の主要事業計画の一つはLINKを外部取引所に追加上場させ、流動性と保有者数を拡大することでした。

■ LINKは今年8月、韓国の暗号資産取引所「Bithumb」に上場しました。現在さまざまな取引所と追加の上場及びマーケット拡大のための議論を重ねています。

■ Bithumb への上場後、追加の上場を進める計画でしたが、協議中であった取引所が拠点を置く国家の法規制の変化とそれに対応するため、上場の時期を遅らせることとなりました。

■ 現在、取引所へのLINK追加上場のために、さまざまな取引所と協議をしており、話がまとまった取引所から上場を進めていく予定です。規制の順守を徹底しながら安定的な取引環境を作っていくことを最優先にしながらLINKの流動性の強化及び取り扱う上で問題が生じないよう準備を進めていきます。

■ 他取引所に上場させることも検討しましたが、現段階ではグローバル流動性と 主要事業を展開する国における流動性の担保という点において、まずは上場に関する社内基準をクリアした取引所及びマーケットに上場させる必要があります。流動性を担保できない状況で取引所とマーケットを一気に拡大する場合、主要事業を展開する国においてLINKの流動性の悪化及び取扱自体に問題が生じるリスクがあると判断しました。

■ 12月28日に告知したように※1、LINE BITMAXにおけるLINK保有量の限度枠を引き上げる予定です。今後は、LINKの追加上場と流動性の担保を進めながら、NFTなどの関連事業の拡大を通じて、流動性とグローバルの保有者を拡大していく計画です。このようにLINE BlockchainチームではLINKの流動性担保とあわせて、上場における課題を解消しながら段階的に措置を取っています。今後も健全なエコシステムを構築していけるよう尽力してまいります。

※1「Announcement on the Policy Revision of LINE BITMAX」 https://blockchain.line.me/notice-2/?board-id=6061

1.2. NFT関連サービス拡大 / dAppの拡大

■ NFTは、金融以外にもエンターテインメントやゲームなどのあらゆるコンテンツ、それに付随する著作権など、すべての産業を革新する主要基盤技術であり、「2021年事業計画」における戦略事業として推進してきました。

■ 今年6月、LVCが展開するデジタルアセット管理ウォレット「LINE BITMAX Wallet」において、LINEの独自ブロックチェーン「LINE Blockchain」を基盤としたNFTアイテムの取引が可能な「NFTマーケットβ」のサービスを開始し、二次流通市場を構築しています。また決済手段としてはLINKを採用しております。IP、コンテンツ、ゲームなど、様々な分野のグローバル・パートナーがLINEのブロックチェーンを基盤に累計130万個以上のNFTを発行し、エコシステムが急速に拡大しています。また日本最大級のネットオークション「ヤフオク!」との連携も進めています。

■ LINE FRIENDS、ZEPETO、スクウェア・エニックス、ももいろクローバーZ、アサヒ飲料、ふるさとチョイス、PUI PUI モルカー、DeNAなどのコンテンツやゲーム、メタバース、販促、キャラクターなど、さまざまなグローバル企業との提携を通じてLINE Blockchain基盤のNFTを発行し、満18歳以上のLINEユーザーであれば誰でもNFTを取引できる環境を提供しています。

■ 「NFTマーケットβ」の正式版は来年の春に「LINE NFT」という名称で国内においてサービスを開始する予定です。サービス開始にあたり現在さまざまな企業と話を進めています。

■ その他、LINE Place、KT、Ditto Music、KMCA、Pangaea、Theta.tv、SOMESING、Dozerbird 等の企業とLINE Blockchain Developers関連の連携・ LINE Blockchainをベースとしたサービスの提供及び準備を進めてきました。

■ グローバルにおいては、グローバル№1 NFTプラットフォームの構築を目標に、LINEのメッセンジャー機能とブロックチェーン技術を集大成させたグローバルNFTプラットフォームを提供する準備を進めています。グローバルNFTエコシステム拡大のため「LINE NEXT」法人を韓国と米国にそれぞれ設立しました。グローバルNFTプラットフォームでは、多様な国および地域の企業やクリエイターが簡単にNFTマーケットやサービスを構築できるようにサポートし、ユーザーがNFTを取引したり、コミュニティーを形成できるエコシステムを構築する計画です。近日中に今後の計画をお伝えできる予定です。

1.3. 決済事業者との連携

■ 今年の事業計画として決済事業者との提携を通じてLINKのユーザビリティ需要の拡大を進めてまいりました。LINEアプリのウォレットタブへのLINK関連表記、決済事業者との提携を通じたLINKの保有者の拡大を進めています。

■ LINE Payでは今年8月、対象のPayPay加盟店において「LINE Pay」でのお支払いを行った方先着100万名様にLINEの暗号資産「LINK」に転換できる「LINKリワード」100円相当をプレゼントする大型キャンペーンを実施しました。12月には、LINEのウォレットタブにLINKリワードの保有量の確認ができる機能が追加され、LINEのアカウントさえ持っていれば誰でもLINKリワードの残高確認が可能になりました。

■ これらの決済関連内容はすべて日本居住者に限定したサービスでありますが、今後はグローバルへの拡大も検討しています。

1.4. LINK新規発行計画

■ 今年LINKの保有者の拡大とdApp エコシステムの構築に向けて414,972 LN ~ 829,444 LNの新規発行を計画しました。 既存の計画による最大の流通量は6,874,943 LNでした。

■ 今年、パートナーサービスを通じてLINKに転換できる「LINKリワード」として6,814 LN追加流通され、現在流通量は5, 976,013 LNとなっています。LINKの暗号資産取引所への追加の上場や決済サービスとの連携における時期の調整によって都度発行計画を調整してまいりました。

1.5. コミュニケーションやコミュニティー関連

■ 2022年の本格的な“グローバル エコシステム拡大計画”に沿って、現在多様な媒体とチャネルを通じた対外コミュニケーション拡大を計画しています。

■ LINE Blockchainチームはコミュニティーの重要性を感じており、来年からはより様々なメディアを通じてLINE Blockchain関連のニュースをお届けする予定です。

■ 「LINE Blockchain 2021 Plans」と同様に「LINE Blockchain 2022 Plans」も公開する予定です。

LINE Blockchainは急速に変化するグローバル市場環境に合わせて、スピーディーにエコシステムを拡大するために最善を尽くしています。今後もコミュニティーの方たちの多くの支持と応援をお待ちしております。

いつもLINE Blockchainのエコシステムに多くの関心を持っていただきありがとうございます。 ご不明な点やご意見があれば、いつでもcontact@link.networkを通じてお問い合わせください。

LINE Blockchain Team


• All policies concerning LINE Blockchain will continue to be governed by the Whitepaper.

• The plans set out in the notice may be subject to change subject to the developments in the market in future, evolving laws and regulations and other commercial considerations. It is difficult to predict how some of these developments may affect LINE Tech Plus and LN, and it is possible that LINE Tech Plus (and/or its affiliates) may cease support for LN in the event that regulatory actions, or changes to the law or regulations, make it illegal to operate in any jurisdiction, or commercially undesirable to obtain the necessary regulatory approval(s) to operate in such a jurisdiction. There may also be unforeseen technical difficulties and shortages of development funds for activities which will affect the development of the items mentioned in this notice. We will provide occasional updates for LN users about LINE Blockchain’s plans, and you can follow our developments at https://blockchain.line.me/whitepaper to keep up to date about the latest status.

• Please note that there is no guarantee or assurance of value or liquidity for LN, and LN is not for speculative investment. The price of LN may fluctuate or may lose all value. Neither LINE Tech Plus, its affiliates, nor other ecosystem members shall be responsible or liable for the value of LN, the transferability and/or liquidity of LN and/or the availability of any market for LN through third parties or otherwise.

• To the maximum extent permitted by law, LINE Tech Plus, its affiliates and/or other ecosystem members shall not be liable for any indirect, special, incidental, consequential or other losses of any kind, in tort, contract or otherwise (including, without limitation, any liability arising from default or negligence on the part of any of them, or any loss of revenue, income or profits, and loss of use or data) arising from the use of LN’s Whitepaper or any other materials or information published, or its contents or otherwise arising in connection with the same. Prospective purchasers of LN should carefully consider and evaluate all risks and uncertainties (including financial and legal risks and uncertainties) associated with LN.​

