
Steve Gillmor
Liner Notes
Published in
2 min readApr 28, 2018

For some time I’ve wanted to experiment with a format that would retain some of the feel of the Gillmor Gang, but would allow drilling down in a more extended fashion on the subject matter of mutual interest. When we started sharing posts in a private/public way in the Gillmor Gang app, the underlying context of the shows started to shift from the freeform nature to incorporate more of the topic flow of the times. Namely, Trump, streaming disruptions of the media space, and only tangentially the original tech focus of the Gang and its companion G3 show.

This was a good thing, as Trump fatigue was taking the heart out of these roundtables, while cable news was endlessly blockbuster oriented in its 24/7 approach to a business model for post-advertising journalism. The app stream of Trump and social demonizing let us blow off steam and start to share a common ground of deeper political and transformational economics analysis, leaving the shows more open to tinkering with the basic format. One on ones borrow from a corporate setting measuring the value and ROI of our fascination with technology, and give us the therapeutic room to share our panic and obsession with the impact on our daily lives.

This first conversation with Frank Radice served several purposes: a test harness for mobile production using Skype and post-production in Final Cut Pro, and a conversational counterpart to the Gang roundtable format produced with multiple live Skype inputs and realtime editing/streaming. I was less concerned with my sometimes halting attempts to frame questions and some gremlins related to sound and transatlantic broadband glitches, and more reliant on my longtime friendship and relaxed context with Frank. The conversation ebbs and meanders from section to section, and the editing of essentially a 2 shot and two closeups is somewhat limiting, but I found the cumulative effect to augur well for more exploration.

