Andy Shenk
Linger Flowers
Published in
3 min readJan 2, 2015


I like these pictures on the blog, I really do, but it’s ridiculous of me to post them. I’m not a photographer.

I’m what they call a creative. Not an artist…just another young person producing something of limited value while attempting to sell something more substantial, in this case flowers.

That’s what I read about in The Atlantic, a few pages after discovering that our military is designing and building a new fighter jet, the F-35, that will cost roughly $1.5 trillion, almost as much as we’ve spent in Iraq over the last decade.

I feel so melancholy. Nikki’s sitting here beside me, six hours deep into a wedding proposal, and all I can do is play with the cat and fiddle with the phone.

On Twitter, I read today about Leelah Alcorn, a young transgender woman from Cincinnati who committed suicide earlier this week. Nikki cried when I told her about it. What gay and transgender teens go through tears her up. I thought of middle school and high school and college and all the people that I could have said something nice to if only I’d known how much I had to give. If only I hadn’t been so terrified of getting hurt myself.

Nikki and I make flowers. We love it. Even when we lose our tempers, forget to eat dinner and wake up grumpy in the morning because we don’t know what exactly we’re doing or how to get from Point A to Point B.

We didn’t name ourselves Linger because we already embody it, but because it’s what we desperately want. We want early morning walks in nature, cozy evenings sipping hot chocolate and magical dinner parties where you lose track of time and feel so full of life your anxiety disappears before you even realize it.

These flowers we’re obsessed with, this life we’re living day by day, that’s really all it is for us. We’re searching for an elusive balance, one that inspires us and helps us to simply be.

