Ever wondered what’s the difference between Standard and Expert translations?

Hundreds of professional translators offer their services in several specialized areas to meet the expectations of our clients. Standard translations are suited for everyday content while Expert translations are made by experienced and highly skilled translators with deep expertise in that subject. We help you understanding the differences so you can choose which one is best for you.

Bruno Portela
6 min readJan 13, 2018


Standard Level:

This is our faster and affordable level of service suited for general texts such as emails, blog posts, social media content, general business documents, etc. We offer this level of service for jobs not demanding from the translator to have a specific expertise or extensive knowledge of a specialist area.

However, our translators are all qualified linguists with extensive knowledge of the source language and native speakers of the target language and familiar with the target market and local customs and culture. You can expect high quality results as our procedures for translation work are identical for all levels of service.

Expert Levels:


Our team of highly qualified translators can accurately translate academic articles, papers and books in several fields such as Social Sciences, Humanities, Natural Sciences and Formal Sciences. We translate study findings, investigations and search results for universities, research organizations, academic journals and publishing houses.

In this area of expertise all texts and references are double checked to ensure translation accuracy and consistency. Our translators take full responsibility for the correctness of their work because they know scientific texts are often quoted by other researchers and institutes in different countries.


Nowadays, car buyers are spoiled for choice! New car models and customization mean an increased demand for translations of texts such as manuals, marketing and promotional, catalogs and websites.

But the automotive industry has come under intense pressure in recent years from regulators, environmental standards and the emergence of new markets. As manufacturers increasingly depend on an international workforce, they need to provide training and documents in their own language. You can trust our team of professionals because they know how important is to respect accuracy and deadlines in this industry.

Certificates, Diplomas & CVs

Are you planning to work or study abroad? When you translate your certificates, diplomas and CVs with our qualified professionals you raise your chances of landing a job in an international company or being admitted to a leading university. As native speakers with a deep knowledge of the local culture, our translators will ensure your documents are adapted to your target market increasing your chances of success. So if you’re planning to take the big leap and start looking for new opportunities abroad let Lingfy help you make that transition easier.


Our team has the industry expertise and insight to translate your content into targeted texts for global audiences in different markets. The way your company gets accurate and precise content multilingual on a consistent basis is vital to prosper in the global market. Our translators have the linguistic experience and strong financial expertise as well as meticulous attention to detail to deal with complex business translations. Their extensive knowledge about their country’s financial and fiscal particularities allows them to excel at delivering materials such as regulatory compliance, market reports, equity and bond research notes, disclaimers and fund regulations, financing and licensing agreements and banking software.


The tech industry has become one of the most in demand sectors for translation and localisation services. Due to its complex methods it requires a methodical and precise approach so consumers feel like the translated and localised software content was originally written and designed to meet their needs and expectations.

Our translators are eager to take your projects for software localization, IT engineering translation, database translation, API translation and mobile app localization as well as other technical materials. Whether you need to reach consumers worldwide, communicate internally with a global workforce or collaborate with international partners, translation services are a critical element of your expansion strategy.


Our team of professionals have a deep knowledge of country-specific legal terminology and extensive subject matter expertise to use the official language of the pertinent jurisdiction to ensure the text is accurate and precise. Our team covers a wide variety of texts such as legal rulings and witness statements, immigration documents, litigation papers, wills and trusts. Lingfy also offers certified and notarized translations, please contact us for further details.


Each one of us is unique and as consumers we enjoy being treated that way. Adapting marketing copy to several local cultures is challenging but at the same time can bring you many benefits when promoting your brand internationally.

Marketing translation has evolved and nowadays it’s much more than advertising, product descriptions and brochures. In the era where “content is king” it pays off to deliver valuable and well-written content. That’s a great way to build a strong global reputation and increase revenues.


The entertainment and media industry have been going through some major changes as it shifts from physical distribution to digital distribution. The online media have been increasingly growing and is creating new opportunities, because entry barriers have been removed.

Lingfy offers translation for movies, television, news, entertainment and sports and allows you to reach new audiences but at the same time keeping a local flavor.


Our expert translators have extensive experience providing healthcare translation services to medical, pharmaceutical and life science sector companies. Besides having in-depth linguistic skills, our translators have a background in medicine and a professional level of understanding medical terminology that allows them to accurately and efficiently convert complex documents into their mother tongue.

Lingfy offers services from simple medical receipts for insurance purposes, to complex pharmaceutical research reports.


Ordering intellectual property, patent and trademark translations with Lingfy is a simple and stress-free process: after choosing the target languages and getting your online quote, you can send detailed instructions of your requirements to the translator and track your orders on our translation platform.

Clients rely on our translators’ technical and legal expertise and in-depth knowledge of the specific industry to ensure high levels of quality. Our team ensures all appropriate formats in the country concerned are respected and they also provide required certifications.

Technical translations

Speed, accuracy and respecting deadlines are crucial to us and our translators don’t bite off more than they can chew. Our global team of handpicked technical translators provide accurate and precise translations of technical documents, manuals, instruction and training materials for several specialized industries.

Our translators use a wide range of Computer-assisted translation (CAT) tools to use your current translation memory (TM) files or they can assist you building your own TM library for future translation needs. TM allows to keep consistency of common definitions, phrasings and terminology, to speed up the translation process and reducing costs of long-term translation projects.


Low-cost airlines, online booking and the economy are transforming the global tourism industry where traditional travel agents seem to lag behind. We’re travelling more than ever and avid tourists are more inclined to search online information and to make reservations in their native language.

Although exciting as it might seem, tourism translation demands a deep understanding of cultural, historical and idiomatic issues that need to be taken into account if you want to make a positive impact in your audience. That’s why we only use local native translators that ensure that your translations are accurate and culturally sound.

Curious how quality translations could help your organization reach new international customers? Get an instant quote at Lingfy.com or drop us a line at hi@lingfy.com



Bruno Portela
Editor for

Founder at @lingfycom. Translation afficionado, avid reader about entrepreneurship and personal development. Training for a marathon. https://lingfy.com/