You Ultracrepidarian!

Words that really deserve a revival, especially right now

Emily Morgan
Published in
4 min readJul 14, 2020


Photo by Icons8 Team on Unsplash

Now, we’ve all had just about enough of certain people in the spotlight at the moment. I don’t care if they run countries, states, towns or mining companies, I’ve had my fill of the jobbernowls, dulberts and clodpates in the world. Not to mention the doddypolls and asinegos. Muttonheads, the lot of them. Or assheads. Either way, none of us want to hear their braying or bleating any longer.

Today I felt like a quick foray into some old words for what we see in so many of our leaders today. So join me for a minute or two as we look at three words to describe the foolishness of our democratically elected leaders. In many ways, their foolishness reflects upon our own.

You won’t regret it.

First, an old favorite. We’re starting with the most harmless one. This is a common phrase in our home, but is it common in yours? Depends on the level of sense in the occupants, mayhap.

1. Silly Duffer

What on earth are you doing, beloved child of mine?

Why, mother dearest, I’m watering your seedlings so that they will grow.

What a sweet, kind angel I have raised. But, my only love, do you not see that the water has overflowed — so much so…



Emily Morgan

Top Writer in Parenting, Food and Cooking. Lover of language, history, travel, writing and life! Visit @EmilyMMorganMe or