Big No No

Sam Xiao
Linguistics 3B
Published in
2 min readOct 30, 2017

When you are trying the hardest as you can to do something and you fail, then you should not be blamed by anyone or yourself, but if you are not trying your best and you fail, then there is nothing could prevent yourself from blaming. That’s the situation I am having right now, I don’t think I actually tried to do I was supposed to do. Studying harder, trying to get involved into the community more as I can, and working harder in the gym were three things I wanted to do at this beginning quarter, as trying harder on everything in the conclusion. I hate to say that, but I fail on every aspect of it. I always know what I should do in the next second but I just did not do it somehow. When I realize something is wrong, I would absolutely change it and the time is now.

As the time goes fast, I learn that everybody wants to have a bright future and have such a positive feeling toward their plans. I am one of them too, even I did not really accomplish what I was supposed to do, but this review really warns me bad to try harder. When I was in middle school, I was not a very good student that would always score at the top but the last few people. A dream changed me in the last month of high school, and it’s my dream high school and then come to the United States. I studied so hard as nobody understand how could I do it, somehow, I did it as everybody saw it. I am not saying I am smart or anything relate to that, what I am trying to say is that when I really want something, I will go to get it with my hundred percent.

“When you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe, then you will be successful,” from one of my favorite inspirational speaker Eric Thomas. I always tell myself this sentence when I need a reminder for me to work harder. Apparently, just like I said in the last two paragraphs, I did not try my best or you could even say I did not try for it. It sounds really silly and irresponsible to myself, came here was something I wanted for so long, and after I get here, how could I just be somebody doing nothing? I promise to everyone who is reading this article and to me, this kind of things would never happen to me no more. After finishing this essay, I will start to think and do what I have to do in order to make my goals come true. Never lose faith and hope to yourself!

