Chinese Always Miss China

Sam Xiao
Linguistics 3B
Published in
2 min readNov 13, 2017

Everybody should be proud of ones own country, same thing for me too. The United States is one of the best country in the world with no doubt, and I would say China is the same too. As one of the huge population people that come to the America and try to get a wonderful college life, I am loving this place, but I am also missing some part of my Chinese life too.

The peaceful environment is what I miss. Massacre in Las Vegas, 58 people dead and 546 injured; mass shooting at a church in Texas, 26 victims and 20 people got injured; truck attack in Manhattan killed 8 innocents; shooting in Walmart in Denver, etc. It’s the same thing occurs over and over again just in one or two months, I am tired of it and I believe every American is tired of it in the same way. We all hate things like those happen to all kind of innocent people, and we afraid if it would come to any of us. In China, nothing like this would arise. Maybe in some parts, China is way less than the United States, but when we talk about the gun issue, China is way better than here.

If you ask me about my family, my friends, and the food in my hometown, I would say I miss all of them, but the safety issue is always the first thing people need to worry about. I really miss the quiet life in China with no massacre or any kind of attack. Maybe someday I do not need to miss or forget what peace is, because there is no more bad thing I have to think about. A peaceful world that includes every part of this earth is what we always need.

