How To Deal With Car Problems

Yuchen Zheng
Linguistics 3B
Published in
2 min readOct 25, 2017

After driving for almost two years, I learn to deal with problems that happen to my car.

At some point in your driving experience, you will get a punctured tire which is your tire doesn’t have enough air and it usually dues to a nail stick in it. What you have to do is to find a tire repair shop to get it repaired for 10 dollars. Usually they will fix it by patching it from inside. Some people might do it by simply taking out the nail and inserting a plug which is not safe and only works for emergency cases. But the best and safest way to repair a punctured tire is the combination of patch and plug.

One day you find out that your car doesn’t start when you turn your key because the battery runs out since you forget to turn off the lights when you leave. What you have to do is to ask whoever park next to you for help. Every car has cables in the trunk. You just need to take out the cables, connect one end to your car, the other end to that person’s car but remember the red one on positive and black one on negative, then start both cars at the same time and the problem solves. However, after jump start of your car, it’s better to take your car get a checkup to make sure the battery still works well.

Lastly, if your car gets trapped in the loose sand in people’s garden and can not move, like what happened to my sister, you just have to call triple A. Don’t try to step on the gas pedal to get your car out because it doesn’t work and it will damage that person’s garden even more. If police happen to pass by, no need to panic if you don’t do anything illegal, they will just check your driver licence, tell you that the garden is ugly so no need to worry and ask you to leave a note to the owner with your name, address and phone number.

