I'm trying my best to stop myself missing home

Shanbin Wang
Linguistics 3B
Published in
2 min readNov 13, 2017

Missing home is a kind of natural feeling of many people, and I am one of those people.However, while people are likely to think about food, family, friends when they talk about missing home, I don't miss those things much. My old life is the thing I miss the most. To be specific, my Chinese school life.

Chinese schools have set the schedule for each of their students for everyday, which means that the students could enjoy their school lives even without thinking about what they want to do because they don't need to. I am just used to live in that kind of lives, as a result, I was terrified and worrying about how to live in the U.S. at the beginning of my adventure in the university even though I had the ability to talk to other people and solve the problems that I would meet. For example, when I was in Chinese junior high school I had classes from 6:30 in the morning to 6:30 in the evening, except 1 hour at noon for lunch. In this case, I don't really need to think about what should I do, since the teachers had set a universal schedule for every students, and I don't have time to because after class I still had homework for a few hours.

I'm not a tough guy, or say I'm so intelligently unsophisticated. When I miss something so much, I will stop doing everything else and be addicted to the feeling of missing. Therefore,when I realized that I was missing this old-style after a few months of my new life, I stopped missing home. I changed because I learned a fact, most from those top students I fortunately met(It is embarrassing that I even didn't have thoughtful preparation before I came to the U.S.),that I come to a university, whether in abroad or in my home country, is not for wasting 4 years and getting a diploma. I'm here to find the thing I want to do in my future and get some preparation for it. Missing home makes me weak, so I just abandoned it.

In other word, I'm not missing home because I want to be proud of myself when I go back.

