My Goals for the Fall Quarter II

Hanwen Zhang
Linguistics 3B
Published in
2 min readOct 31, 2017

It has been a month since the fall quarter began. At the beginning of this quarter, I set 4 goals for the future: I would work hard to get two A’s in my math classes; I would prepare for the Putnam competition and try to get an ideal grade; I would try to pass the game, Dark Souls III; I would like to learn how to skateboard. To be honest, I have achieved none of these goals so far.

It’s true that I have finished all the homework assigned by my math professors in time. However, I’ve only taken one midterm for that two classes and I have not got the grade yet. To be precise, I don’t know how my final grades for that two classes would be, but I believe that if I keep working as how I have progressed in the first half of the quarter, I would surely get two A’s.

For the Putnam competition, I would take the competition in late November. I have been studying for the competition 2 hours a week with my friends so far. I know that I did not put too much time into the competition but I still hope to do well.

As for Dark Souls III, I gave up after I got to the underground dungeon. The reason I gave up is not that I could not defeat the bosses. Even though the game is still pretty hard, I go used to the difficulty after being defeated again and again. I gave up at the underground dungeon just because the skeletons and the prison guards are so scary that I felt extremely uneasy to keep playing. Maybe someday in the future I would continue from where I gave up, but not now.

For the skateboard, I gave up because I found out that I no longer need a way of transportation. In the summer, I lived in IV, so it took a long time every day for me to walk to the classrooms. However, since I moved back to Manzanita Village at the beginning of this quarter, now it just takes me 10 minutes to get to classes. Thus, I no longer need a skateboard.

I hope that I could achieve my first two goals at the end of this quarter. For the other two goals, I just gave up.

