Respond Of The First Post

Yihan Lyu
Linguistics 3B
Published in
3 min readOct 29, 2017

Without knowing it, I have been studied at UCSB for a month. It seems like I have lived here for half a year! I think maybe it is because I got lots of things to do every day. Today, I reread the passage I wrote at the first week about the first quarter’s goal and surprisingly found out that I achieve my goal successfully.

The first reason I feel that I am in the right direction is that I met my first best friend at UCSB. I caught a cold seriously after the third day I arrived in the America. It came so badly that I had a fever of 39°. The worse thing was that I had to take ELPE exam the next day. I felt very depressed and missed my mum so much. I wanted to go home immediately. At that time, when I felt very cold because of the fever, my roommate, Haoyue Li, kept pouring me some hot water, which touched me not a little. What’s more, she gave me some medicines that she brought from China and suggested me to take them. After that,I gradually went to sleep. To my surprise, my favor had gone down the next day morning and I took the exam finally. I was so lucky that I have a roommate like her. Without her, I could not imagine how I would feel that night and I may miss the exam because of illness. Now, she becomes my best friend and I really appreciate for her.

The second thing is that I also met some nice friends during my studying life. We went to eat lunch together and had a pleasant conversation with each other. I usually felt happy during lunch time because I could know various funny and fresh things from them. For example, last weekend, I went to downtown with my sociology classmate. On the bus, we talked a lot and found out we had similar hobbies. In addition, our character was suitable and we actually lived in the same dorm’s same floor, but we never met each other before. I felt fate was wonderful, or how I would recognize her?

There was another thing which letting me believe that I am on track to my goal. I had a math midterm last week and I really spent lots of time on preparing for it. I also did well at other times, no matter the review or the homework. However, the outcome was less than satisfactory. I only got a score weighting sixty percent, which was far lower than my expectation. I could not believe that was my score at the first time I saw it on gauchospace. Then, I felt sad, depressed, and deceptive.I felt like striving for nothing. I chose to talk with my friend about my feeling. She confronted me a lot and told me that I should let it go because I could not change the thing that was happened. What she said convinced me and let me felt better. But that was not the end. I luckily found that my math T.A mistaken me with the other student that I actually got an almost full mark. What was a great news! I told me friend immediately and she truly felt happy for me.

I believe what I should do to keep on track is that I should keep being nice and honest to my friends. They are treasures of my life, bringing me sense of happiness.

