Reviewing Myself on the Goal I Set On First Medium Entry

Anne Lin
Linguistics 3B


In retrospect of the goal I set on the first week of this quarter, I realize that, surprisingly, I am on the right track. I decided to overcome my shyness and make more friends. Successfully, I have made a lot of good friends in the whole month I have been in UCSB.

Talking about overcoming my shyness and talk to more people around me, I made it. I made a hard decision to talk to my neighbors in Manzanita Village forwardly at first because I am afraid of being awkward. However, to my surprise, they were all willing to have conversation with me and even some of them are people that would never stop talking. I sometimes would have gossips with them until 1 am. In spite of having friends in Manzanita Village, I also made a lot of friends from the lectures and sections. The best friend I have in UCSB is the person I met in my GEOG3A class. My daily activities with my friends are having dinner or getting together playing poker. I really enjoy the time I spent with them.

As listed in my first entry on Medium, I sometimes push myself to participate in some activities. By doing so, I can have more opportunities to meet and talk with different people. Yesterday, I went to an activity about Halloween roller skating in recreation center. Although I am not good at sports relating to the sense of equilibrium, I still went there. I felt awkward at first because I fell over a lot of times with hilarious poses but not one really laughed at me. In contrast, a girl wearing a black halloween custom helped me a lot in balancing my two feet. I introduced my self to her and soon we become friends by having a great conversation. That was a really happy night because I not only engaged in an activity that I would never participate in in the past and enjoyed the conversation with a girl I have never met before. This is really a big step for overcoming my shyness so I think I am doing the right thing to achieve my goal.

However, I am not really satisfied with my current situation. Most of my friends are Chinese so I want to have more communication with friends from other countries. I am not sure whether one day I would get tired, not willing to achieve my goals. As a result, I wrote down a memo on my desk to remind me to keep on what I did in the past month as well as the goal that I haven’t achieve. Wish I can insist on my goal and enjoy the happiness from the friendship I made in UCSB.

