Something I learned in America

Jessica Poon
Linguistics 3B
Published in
2 min readOct 24, 2017

I have been living in California around 8 years. It is such a long period of time that it is difficult for me to recall the small things that I learned when I first moved to America. If there is one thing that America changed me the and taught me the most would be independent. I started as a fifth grader in elementary school and with zero English experiences. I was really hard for me to make friends, communicate my thoughts with others, or even do anything in school because of the language barrier. My parent can help me on my daily need, however, I can only rely on myself in school. That was the first time I told myself to be independent at school when I am away from my parents.

I noticed the difference between America and China on their perspective on children's independence. In America, most of the American parent consider their 18 as the age of independence for their child. I also heard that some parents ask their children to leave the house and cut their financial support on their 18th birthday. However, in China, most of the parent s support their child with full financial support at least through their 4 years of college. This is almost a responsibility to support them through college because there is no way that a college student to have to ability to pay for their education. After I came to America, I learned that student could work on part-time jobs and take loans for their tuitions and extra expenses. I fully agree quickly adapted to this concept of independent. Therefore I found a part-time job in my senior year in high school, and I love the feeling of spending my own money.

Learning to be independent in every aspect is a continuous long process. From learning English and complete tasks in school to working on my spare times for pocket money, the process of learning to be independent goes on. Living in America definitely, have given me to chance to learn to be independent. And I wish I will learn more things in the future in America.

