Things I Have Learned After Studying in the US

Yingfei Gao
Linguistics 3B
Published in
2 min readOct 23, 2017

Even though I have studied in the International Curriculum Center for the full three years study in my high school with all foreign teachers around, I still need time to get used to the life in the US for study. As an international student who come to the foreign country without the accompaniment and support of parents, it might be a struggle to get used to the new environment with people around you speak different languages. For me, the two things I have learned that impact me a lot are making a daily plan and getting used to be alone.

With the high pressure from academic, I regard making a plan as an important thing, since it can remind me my deadline of assignment, the date of the midterm exam and also the contents for reading, preview or even review. I have this habit for about three years, and this makes my study life more efficient and effective. However, the study plan is not enough since I came to the US. I need to apply for a debit card, make appointment with teachers to attend workshop or office hour, do laundry, attend the dormitory mandatory meeting, pick up my Amazon package… My parents would remind me about these things before, but now I need to do it by my own. Therefore, the study plan extends to a daily plan: the contents including the schedule for study assignment and also the things I need to do to make my life in the US easier. Sometimes, I will also make my time in the time zone so that I know what the exact time I need to attend the workshop or others. With the help of daily plan, my life has higher efficiency and I have more time to do the video call with my family. My self-improvement makes them feel that I am grown up and they are less worried about me.

Meanwhile, the other thing I have learned is to get used to be alone. In my high school, my best friends were with me almost all the day at school, no matter from eating together in the dining commons to getting to the class. But in university life, my friends have different class schedule with me. The only time we can be together is at recreation center or the dining commons. I need to get to class or to the library by my own. At first I felt loneliness, but after a month of adjustment, I am getting used to it. I regard “be alone” as a part of lesson I need to learn from studying abroad. And things will happen similarly when I step into the society for jobs.

Studying in the US is not only a challenge about study, but also a lifelong lessons that I need to learn, like making a plan to fulfill the daily time and also getting used to the life of being alone.

