
Annan Zhang
Linguistics 3C Blog
2 min readMay 15, 2017

It’s been a long time since I went to UCSB. To be honest, I miss my home, my mom and dad sooo much, as well as the Chinese food. For me, I am looking forward to go back home, sleep on my own bed and hang out with my friends to have some late-night dinner. Sadly, I have to take summer session A, which means I have to wait until August to go back. Until now, I have been in America for more than half a year, I am feeling more and more comfortable gradually. At first, I was not familiar with the climate in California. It was a little dry compared with it in China. My lips were dry as well as my nose. However, now my body has been fully accepted the weather. In addition, the food is “rough” in America. I mean the food is not as elaboration as Chinese or Japanese food. American people like to eat steak, many are half-cooked with blood on it. I do not like raw food, including raw fish or half-cooked steak. Thankfully, our school dinning hall provides various kinds of food. I enjoyed the food in school dinning halls for the first month and soon I started to feel bad about it. It was too simple and sometimes awful, and especially before holiday, the food is hard to swallow. However, it’s a good thing that school dinning hall serves fresh fruit, which is my favorite. So, if I find the food is terrible, I will only eat 3 oranges. Maybe it’s the reason why I weighed 20 pounds less after a half year in America. Prior to go back home, I might have been only 160 pounds, but I think I will gain some weight after going back home!

