Society Shapes Gender Roles

Zhiyi Chen
Linguistics 3C Blog
2 min readMay 22, 2017

Sociologists have a tendency to generalize people. Even though each individual is different from the other, they are able to somehow connect together. One connection is the gender role. They also research on different types of behaviors which males have and females don’t. I believe gender role is caused by the expectation of society. Because of biological structure differences, society expected males to be strong and aggressive and female to be caring and gentle in order for them to survive. Therefore, men take the jobs that are more independent such as physical labor, truck drivers, and women are dominated on nursing. Even though nowadays jobs are distributed more equally, there are still women-dominated jobs and male-dominated jobs, such as nurses, CEOs, computer scientists. We couldn’t deny the importance of gender role when company select employees. In China, many women are householders. Men have the advantage of getting hired because of fewer competitors. The expectation of society shapes parents’ expectation on their sons and daughters. When I was young, my parents would ask me to take some math and science classes. Females were asked to take piano and dancing classes. Society expected men to take jobs related to STEM, and female to be artists or writers. This is why universities receive more male students in the area of math and science and more female students in the area of writing and designing. The expectations are able to help me get hired; however, they also limit me on area maybe I am interested in. Sometime, I will even get bullied because I am interested in some females things.

