Being an International Student is Cool

Maige Pan
Linguistics 3C Winter 2018
3 min readFeb 5, 2018

“International student” sometimes seems like a cool label to have, because you go to a different country and receive maybe entirely different education. Compare to those who go to local universities; international students have more opportunities and a higher platform to look over the world. Though this label might be related to some negative stereotypes, I still feel that I am fortunate to have this unique experience as an international student.

Firstly, it is a journey to experience a maybe entirely different culture. As countries on the Earth gradually becomes a more interconnected large family, it is important to experience and embrace other cultures. When you suddenly encounter an entirely different culture, it is natural that you generate fear and culture shock to some extent. However the uncomfortable it will give you more benefit than the pain it might cause. As you learn more about the new life, you can have an insight view of the real life in another side of the Earth, not from a newspaper, not from television. This precious experience creates a better environment for you to think deeply about how different culture had been shaped or how the media influence people’s understanding of things. The benefit is not only limited to this, but also you demonstrate your own culture brings your idea and sight. Thus it might generate some new ideas from the clashing of ideologies.

Another useful point is that only as I am far away from home, I suddenly had been pushed to be more independent. Does not like when I was in China, my parents do not understand English, so I cannot rely on them to help me with my affairs here. I have to prepare my visa’s material on my own; I have to research the topic and find interns by my own; suddenly the responsibility had been moved on my shoulders. There is not many people I can entirely rely on anymore except myself. It is also a chance for me to be more independent of living by myself. I had to do laundries, maybe cooking, house cleaning by myself. I cannot be that little girl who expected everything would be done by my parents anymore. Grow up is painful but worthy. This day is coming sooner or later, getting used to being independent is nothing painful anymore but enjoyable, as becoming a better person.

Be an international student also teaches me to be grateful, as I suffer from loneliness and all kinds of setbacks, I realize how precious and deep the family bond and friendship is. I start to be very grateful for the every little happiness I met in my life. Though maybe it is also what I can experience even if I am not an international student, but this the long distance made me starts to realize how my family is important to me.

I do not regret making this decision to come to the US for the university. I just came here, but I can see that my life will change entirely by making this significant change. This is also the best gift, and the most precious experience my parents gave me, which is sent me to a higher elevation of the world, gives me a ticket to the rest of the world.

