Challenges in my new life.

Yucheng Huang
Linguistics 3C Winter 2018
2 min readJan 29, 2018

I, as an international student, has already studied in UCSB for one quarter. Last quarter I have a great life, but not great grades. So my first difficulties in my campus life is about my study life. When I first arrive at UCSB, everything is brand new to my, so it motivate my curiosity to everything expect studying. I want to know how to drive a car, how to accommodate my life with my roommates, and how to speak to others in English, etc. I pay just a little attention on my study. That’s a big problem! I spend too many time on my life, but I forget my study life. Though I finish my homework, read books, all I did seems not enough. I need to make a weekly study plan for my courses. I need to do some extra works so that I can learn more and fix my knowledge in my mind. I also need to quit playing computer games and stop hanging out most of my time.

Second thing is about some group working with some foreigners. When I take my math section or econ section, we always have some group works to finish. Every time when I get into group with other foreigners, I felt very nervous and I don’t know how to talk with them. I know my English is not as good as them, so I feel unconfident. It causes that I have no contribution on my group works. I know it shouldn’t be like this, so I try to talk with them. I need to be brave so that I can improve my speaking skill quickly. As I talk more with them, I can also get involve into my group work so that it improves my comprehension on the subject and my contribution will increase.

The third difficulties is about to lose weight. I mentioned that one of my goals in this winter 2018 quarter is to lose my weight. That’s also one of my difficulties. I know there are lots of ways to do, but it’s hard to imnplement. I made myself a plan to work out and running in rec cen everyday. I truly love to work out, but running is too hard for me. I feel out of breath after I running for only 15 minutes. And most of my body start to ache. I will try to abandon these excuses and do it everyday with 15 minutes, then 20 minutes and 30 minutes. The insistence is the most important. I hope that I can lose my weight successfully in this quarter.

All these difficulties are not very hard. It’s just that I need to pay more attention and be strict to myself, then I can achieve what I want. Same as everyone.

