Difficulties in University

ruiqi tao
Linguistics 3C Winter 2018
1 min readJan 29, 2018

Walking into university which is truly fresh to me, I get excited and face a lot of trouble. I have no experience on scheduling my courses, making all kinds of foreign friends and getting a higher grade. I have to chat and communicate online to choose my roommate and find a relatively comfortable dormitory. Also, I have to email to university’s service to ask information about I20 and date of multiple activities. After arriving at Santa Barbara, I have to move in dormitory with three big cabbages by myself and sign up in the front desk. All things are fresh to me and I know I have to be independent.

As for me, the most memorable difficulty is losing a set of keys while I was taking my bike. This set of keys include my PO box key, room key and bicycle key. The result of it is that I have to spend time on asking RA of dormitory to repair a new lock on my room door and asking workers to open my bike’s lock by sawing it. I spent too much time on it so that I had less time on homework and exercise. Moreover, this thing really influenced my mood. I felt like my rule of like was broken.

After that, I start to become more careful about everything. I learn a lesson that all mistake should be deserved by myself. If I try to be careful, I can increase my efficiency of life.

