Goals and Ways to Achieve it.

Hanming Li
Linguistics 3C Winter 2018
2 min readJan 22, 2018

My goals in this quarter are to improve my academic writing skills and oral English. I would be glad if I can resolve any one of them to some extent.

Frankly speaking, writing is always a miserable task for me, no mater it’s in English or in Chinese, my mother tongue. If you insist in asking me why is that, I would say I frequently feel I’m out of “stories” to tell. Many a time, I can only come up with thesis statements but not enough supporing details. After thinking it through, I reckon the reasons that induced my weakness in academic writing are as follow: the lack of vocabulary and idomatic expressions, the deficiency in writing techniques and analytical thinking not deep enough. These reasons are also responsible for my oral English not fluent enough. Apart from these three, I also need to acquire more colloquial expressions in order for my oral English to be more natural and less nerdy.

The fundamental question here is what I should do to overcome my weaknesses? Honestly, I’m quite comfused and troubled, which is the reason why I’m taking this course, Linguistic 3C instead of Writing 2. But Anyway, I will give it a try. TO READ MORE is the first thing I think of. In order to improve more quickly, I think I should push myself one step forward and pick on books that I’m not interested in, such as fictions that depict romantic relationships or abstract reality, because those books might be complementory for my vocab and my scope of knowledge since I seldom read those kind of books. TO SPEAK MORE is the second important aspect I come up with. Just like the story in which a normal and healthy adult was trapped in an isolated island for several months and after being rescued, people found out that he couldn’t speak fluently anymore since he haven’t talked to anyone for months. I think in order for my muscles in my mouth to be comfortable speaking English, I’ll have to speak more, for example, in class.

