Xinwei Dong
Linguistics 3C Winter 2018
2 min readFeb 6, 2018


I am proud.

It seems ridiculous for me to say in front of thousands of international students that I’m proud that I am an international students that I know how to speak multiple languages and I become a more independent person compared to I used to be. “What are you guys talking about?” This sentence always appear in font of my roommate and myself when we were exciting about something and discussed in Chinese forgetting that there is an American mommy near us. My poor host mom kept saying that she is going to learn Chinese every time we were excited and she had no clue what we were talking about. In addition, I felt lucky that I know more than one language, and this helps me to be able to say something I don’t want others to know with my friends that I can use a language that the others do not know.

What’s more, Before I got to the United States, I thought I would be very happy because I felt that my family is always supervises me for everything I do and I want to change that. Nevertheless, when I truly got away from them, I felt so lonely and scared about the future I am going to have. I missed them so much because the pills were right next to me when I got cold, a cup of water was in front of me every day when I woke up, and my room was always tidy even though I throwed my clothes off every afternoon when I got home from school, yet life didn’t like that anymore when I was in U.S. because my family is no longer taking care of me. I realized that everything is on me. I need to get pills myself when I’m sick. I would wash fruits myself if I’m hungry. And I need to do laundry myself every weekend otherwise I don’t have clothes to wear for the following week. What’s more, I would contact teachers myself if I got questions and I am the one seeking activities that would help my applications for college later. I learnt how to transfer schools and move into a new place all by myself without others’ help. I started become “strong” inside to face any obstacles I met.

I don’t feel panic anymore if any problems come to me. I would solve it myself using the resources I have, and most important, I am no longer asking my parents for help if I am capable of dealing with it. Four years of school lifes in U.S. helped me improve from a little girl who knows nothing but asking help from parents to a matured adult.

