In your opinion, what is the purpose of language and how is it related to culture?

Linguistics 3C Winter 2018
2 min readFeb 12, 2018

From my perspective, I think that language is created to help people communicate with each other. It is through this great invention, verbal and written language, that human beings are able to be distinguished from other intelligent animals and evolve so rapidly. Language is like a tool for people to exchange their thoughts in minds. It can let us understand sophisticated information and be psychologically connected to others. For instance, language enables us to learn and teach, so we can easily gain knowledge and experience from other people with the help of language.

In my opinion, language is bonded with culture because each unique language is an important feature of culture. As an indispensable part of culture, language can give us a sense of belonging. Every time I hear people speak my native language, I have a cordial feeling. Moreover, language is a cultural heritage since it consists of substantial accumulation of culture possessions. All the languages are products of human civilization, and they can be traced back to early human societies in ancient times. For example, Mandarin, which is my first language, has been used for thousands of years in China. This particular language has brought us tremendous culture possessions such as literature and history.

All in all, Language is the most important communication tool. It should be considered as a significant breakthrough during the development of human civilization. With the help of language, we are able to freely express our feelings and what we think in our minds. At the same time, it also enables us to understand others’ thoughts and acquire all types of information we need though reading or communication. In a word, language is intimately connected to culture and history, which are recorded and spread out mainly due to the existence of language.

