Krystal’ plan for winter quarter

xiangru chen
Linguistics 3C Winter 2018
1 min readJan 28, 2018

Growing up within a highly competitive enviornment, I form multiple habits to prepare me for the future study. One of the most effective and helpful habits is to make plans and schedules. I get use to write a to-do list and make a practical wish at the beginning of every year or school. For this winter quater, I set two goals to myself.

Firstly, maintaining a high GPA is putted in the top priority of my to-do list. As a students, scores are inevitably crucial to us. In order to achieve that, I have to be well-prepared for the classes, well-practiced during the week, and well-participated in the discussions. Also, I will need to keep balance between revision for every class, for not being overwhelmed by any one class in the final week.

Also, social life still plays a significant role in my university life. I intend to get to know peers as many as possible and start to actively reach out within a community. Thus, I need to enhance my oral skill and interoperability by practicing them with my current friends and roommates.

Building an organized social and studying circle is my major goal for the winter quarter. Though, it is unspeakably hard for me at the begining of my college life. A prepared to-do list certainly will calm my mind and guide me to cope with future obstacles.

