Language and Culture

Linguistics 3C Winter 2018
1 min readFeb 12, 2018

Language plays an important role in our life from ancient times to the present day. every different culture has their own unique language and their language will be affected with their culture changes. Purpose of language is to communicate for human being, and nowadays people cannot live without language.

Language is our basic living skill since we was born, however there is no language in this world at ancient times. Thousand years ago, human being only body language to express their idea which is easily misunderstand and kind of waste of time. several years later, people start to create languages. Like my mother language Chinese, every word was created with unique meaning, for example, “铜” means copper, and it was combined by two parts “钅” and “同”. “钅” means metal , and “同” is used to help people know pronunciation.

Culture has a huge effect on language. There are thousand of different languages in this world, even every kind of language has several different accent. All of these were formed by different cultures. Before American first step on land of The United States, they all lived in The UK and speak traditional British English, but years later they have their own unique accent called American English and now a huge number of people speak American English.

Language is a beautiful culture, and this culture will not disappear as long as there is one human being exist. I hope people can learn more language to experience different culture.

