Learn Something NEW

Xinwei Dong
Linguistics 3C Winter 2018
2 min readJan 30, 2018

Going to a new country is hard, and getting used to be in a new place is even harder. Four years ago, when I just got to United States, I thought language was the only thing that was different. I was wrong obviously. Other than language, there were several differences between people due to the diversity of this country. Religion, was the one impressed me.

With a lot of expectations, I met my first host family and walked into my first high school and they introduced a new thing I had never thought about — beliefs. Since I was in a catholic community, I was introduced to God. During that time, all I know about God was “OMG” I saw from american TV shows. I was shocked by seeing my host family pray before dinner and going to church every Sunday. They were so devout that I started doubt myself whether I am a true believer in Buddhism. In China, people seems to have beliefs but the majority of people spend most of their time studying or working. It is true that there is people being very religious in China, yet I don’t see people around me being such devout to their religion.

Thinking about myself, I would say I believe in Buddhism, yet I don’t do prayers or go to the temple every weekend. I even started questioning myself do I really know Buddhism since I have no idea about where they came from. Nevertheless, in United States, I saw a different way people treated their religion. My host sisters were sent to catholic schools and they were required to study religion course in order to know where God comes from and what did God do. My host mom loved to explain how problems being solved by referring to God and she told me that God is everywhere because he would show up when there is a huge disaster when I was confused about where is God since I’m not a catholic person.

It was amazing when I was introduced to religion in america because I thought I have faith yet I don’t indeed. This made me started thinking what I truly believe in and what should I do for my faith.

